OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

To set the TM_MAPLIST environment variable

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer stores thematic map definitions in map definition files (*.tmt). By default (*.tmt) files are saved to the same directory as the active DGN file.

You can configure standard paths for storing the *.tmt files. This is done by setting the environment variable TM_MAPLIST.

If TM_MAPLIST is defined, every time the Thematic Maps dialog is opened OpenBuildings™ Station Designer searches available thematic map definition files in the locations defined by TM_MAPLIST.

  1. Open the System Properties dialog from the Control Panel.
  2. Open the Advanced tab.
  3. Click Environment Variables.

    The Environment Variables dialog opens.

  4. Create a new user variable: Click New.

    The New User Variable dialog opens.

  5. Key in TM_MAPLIST as the variable name.
  6. Key in paths to folders where the thematic file map definition files (*.tmt) are to be stored. Separate paths with semicolons.
  7. Click OK.

    The New User Variable dialog closes.

  8. Click OK again.

    The Environment Variables dialog closes, and applies the new variable.

  9. Restart OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, and start the Thematic Maps dialog.

    Thematic map definition files saved to the search path folders are now available for use.