OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Working with Line Styles That Will Be Saved to DWG Files

When working with a DGN file that will be saved to a DWG file:

  • OpenBuildings™ Station Designer’s standard line styles (line codes 1–7) are defined in screen units and are independent of the view zoom factor. AutoCAD linetype definitions are always defined in drawing units and are therefore not compatible with the OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's standard line styles. If you have used the standard line styles in a file that will be saved to a DWG file, you should use a line code scale to determine the pattern size in the resulting file. To set this scale, use the Line Code Scale (Design Units/Cycle) on the Save As DWG/DXF Options Dialog. This setting indicates the size, in drawing units, of a cycle of a pattern once it is transferred to AutoCAD.

    Save As DWG/DXF Options, General tab Basic options

  • To maintain the appearance of line styles that are not compatible with AutoCAD, use the Drop Unsupported LineStyles to Components option on the Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog. In the output DWG file, the line styles are dropped to their basic geometry elements.

    Save As DWG/DXF Options, General tab Advanced options

  • Use the Remap capability on the Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog Remap tab to remap line styles to a different style in the DWG file. You can also specify a scale factor and a new DWG line style output file (.lin).

    Save As DWG/DXF Options, Remap tab

  • If you are working in a file that will be used as a reference, do not use a global line style scale. (The global line scale is set with the ACTIVE LINESTYLESCALE key-in.) Instead, create line styles at an appropriate size or set the line style scale of the individual elements.