OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Online QuickStart Guides

The LEARNserver site is accessed from the backstage (File > Help > Online QuickStart Guides). It lists courses recommended against the learning path of a selected discipline, among them: Architectural | Structural | Mechanical. The LEARNserver option points to the main web page of LEARNserver that allows searching courses in a product line.

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer QuickStart Guide, PDF downloads and videos

The OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Quick Start Guide provides an overview and exercises in the form of videos and supplemental PDF's so you can become familiar with the basic features of OpenBuildings™ Station Designer.

You can download PDF copies of the OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Quick Start Guide chapter by clicking the Download PDF links.

You can watch videos corresponding to the OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Quick Start Guide chapter by clicking the Watch Video links.