OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Modifying Light Sources

All light source cells, irrespective of what level they are on or whether Constructions are turned on in a view, can be identified in the Light Name list of the tool's dialog.

You can select individual light sources with a data point, or <ctrl+data point> to select several lights. To select several consecutive lights in the list, you can click and drag through them in the list. You can select multiple light sources for modification that have been created in models in a DGN file and modify using the Light Manager dialog.

When you do this, the settings for the last selected light source are displayed in the tool settings. You can, for example, turn on all the lights in a single room by first selecting them and then toggling the On setting.

Note: You also may use standard OpenBuildings™ Station Designer tools, such as the Move tool to move a light source.