OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Colors Configuration Variables

The following table lists the configuration variables that affect Color. Each configuration variable expects a valid value. An invalid value will not override a setting. You do not need to close and restart in order for the configuration variable change to take effect.

Variable Short name Description
MS_DEFCTBL Default Color Table Default color table if DGN file has none.
MS_RMENCTBL Right Menu Color Table Default menu colors (dialogs, borders, etc.) for right screen — specifies a color table (.tbl) file.
MS_LMENCTBL Left Menu Color Table Default menu colors (dialogs, borders, etc.) for left screen — specifies a color table (.tbl) file.
MS_COLORBOOK_LIBRARIES Colorbook Library List Displays the list of DGN files that are used as a source for color books.
MS_SYSTEM_COLORBOOKS System Color Books Directory Sets the directory name containing the system color books delivered with OpenBuildings™ Station Designer.