OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Configuration: Building Architecture

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to the Building Architecture discipline (Building Architecture Category).

Variable Short Name Description
ATFACS_SEEDNAME ACS Plane Seed Name Specifies a name for the base ACS that is defined by the 3D environment setup utility ATFENV_3DSETUP.
ATFBEAMSFAMILY Beam Families Sets the families from beams that get added to the primary family list. Multiple names can be specified.
ATFFILE_DRAWINGRULES Drawing Rules File Specifies the location of the file that stores the application's drawing rules.
ATFDIR_FRAME Frame Files Specifies the root directory location for all folders containing frame files used by the door, window, and casework tools.
ATFDIR_CASEWORK Frame Files for Casework Specifies the root directory location for all folders containing frame files used for casework. By default, this variable is based on ATFDIR_FRAME.
ATFDIR_DOOR Frame Files for Doors Specifies the directory location for frame files used for doors. By default, this variable is based on ATFDIR_FRAME.
ATFDIR_WINDOW Frame Files for Windows Specifies the directory location for frame files used for windows. By default, this variable is based on ATFDIR_FRAME.
ATFPLUMBINGLIBRARY Plumbing Library Defines the default cell library for architecture plumbing fixtures.
ATFSHELVINGLIBRARY Shelving Library Defines the default cell library for architecture shelving unit furnishings.
ATFDIR_COLUMNDATA Tool-specific Data: Columns Specifies the directory location for the colmnszs.rsc file. This file contains designer defined size and profile data to place and modify columns.
ATFDIR_WALLDATA Tool-specific Data: Walls Specifies the directory location for the wallszs.rsc file. This file contains designer defined size and profile data to place and modify walls.

Uncategorized Building Architecture configurations

List of user configuration variables that apply to the Building Architecture discipline which are listed in the Configuration dialog's All (Alphabetical) category.

Variable Description
ATFCASEWORKFAMILY Defines the default family (s) for all architecture objects considered to be casework.
ATFCEILINGSFAMILY Defines the default family (s) for all architecture objects considered to be ceilings.
ATFCOLUMNSFAMILY Defines the default family for all architecture objects considered to be columns.
ATFDEBUG_BREAK_IN_MAIN Immediately call mdlSystem_enterDebug upon startup.
ATFDIR_MACROS Specifies the location of macro files used for portions of the Architectural discipline interface.
ATFDOORSDEFAULTPART Specifies the default door part name to pre-defined OpenBuildings™ Station Designer roles.
ATFDOORSFAMILY Defines the default family(s) for all architecture objects considered to be doors.
ATFFINISHFAMILY Defines the default family for all architecture objects considered to be wall finish.
ATFFLOORSFAMILY Defines the default family(s) for all architecture objects considered to be floors.
ATFSCHMCASEWORKFAMILY Defines the default family(s) for all architecture objects considered to be compound schematic casework parts.
ATFSPACESDEFAULTPART Specifies the default space part name to pre-defined OpenBuildings™ Station Designer roles.
ATFSPACESFAMILY Defines the default family (s) for all architecture objects considered to be spaces.
ATFSTAIRSDEFAULTPART Specifies the default stair part name to pre-defined OpenBuildings™ Station Designer roles.
ATFSTAIRSFAMILY Specifies the name of the stair family of parts.
ATFWALLSFAMILY Specifies the name of the wall family of parts.
ATFWINDOWSDEFAULTPART Specifies the name of the default window family of parts.
ATFWINDOWSFAMILY Defines the default family(s) for all architecture objects considered to be windows.
BB_SPACELEGEND_BODYSTYLE Specifies the text style used for space legend body text.
BB_SPACELEGEND_TITLESTYLE Specifies the text style used for space legend title text.
TFANNOTATE_AREAPRECISION Sets the level of precision for space area values generated by the Create Space tool.
  • When set to 0, the precision is set to a whole number (1234)
  • When set to 1, the precision is set to one decimal place (1234.1)
  • When set to 2 (default), the precision is set to two decimal places (1234.12)
  • When set to 3 (default), the precision is set to three decimal places (1234.123)
  • When set to 4 (default), the precision is set to four decimal places (1234.1234)
  • When set to 5 (default), the precision is set to five decimal places (1234.12345)
  • When set to 6 (default), the precision is set to six decimal places (1234.123456)

Unlisted Building Architecture configurations

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to the Building Architecture discipline which do not appear in the Configuration dialog.

Variable Description
ATFENV_3DSETUP Automated utility that controls various settings to facilitate a 3D working environment including:
  1. Creating a base ACS that is named by the configuration variable ATFACS_SEEDNAME.
  2. Turning on the AccuDraw Sticky Z lock.
  3. Locking the Z axis in the AccuDraw window.
  4. Turning on ACS Plane lock and ACS Plane Snap lock.
ATFDIR_CASEBASE Specifies the directory location for frame files used for base cabinets. By default, this variable is based on ATFDIR_CASEWORK, which is based on ATFDIR_FRAME.
ATFDIR_SHELVING Specifies the directory location for frame files used for shelving. By default, this variable is based on ATFDIR_FRAME.
ATFDIR_CASETALL Specifies the directory location for frame files used for tall cabinets. By default, this variable is based on ATFDIR_CASEWORK, which is based on ATFDIR_FRAME.
ATFDIR_CASEWALL Specifies the directory location for frame files used for wall cabinets. By default, this variable is based on ATFDIR_CASEWORK, which is based on ATFDIR_FRAME.
ATFDIR_FRAMEDATA Specifies the directory location for the frmsizes.rsc file which contains user defined door and window component sizes (e.g. leaf height and frame thickness) to place and modify door and window frames.
_ATFSPACES_DISPLAY_UNITS Specifies the default area unit label displayed for space elements.

The configuration variable can be enabled/disabled in either the active project configuration file (*.pcf), or the user configuration file (*.ucf). If you define the variable in the Configuration dialog, the user configuration file is changed. The project configuration file must be modified manually to apply _ATFSPACES_DISPLAY_UNITS.

When defined the Unit of Display setting in the Preferences dialog is disabled and the value assigned to the variable is used for generating the space label.

BB_SPACELEGEND_AUTOUPDATE Specifies whether or not to update space legends in models when they are opened.
  • When set to any value (1 for instance), space legends are update automatically upon opening models containing them.
  • When undefined, the behavior is not enabled. Instead, use the key-in command ATFUPDATE LEGEND.
BB_SPACES_NOARTIFACT Specifies whether or not space label and dimension annotations are visible.
  • When undefined (default), the behavior is not enabled. Space label and dimension annotations are visible.
  • When set to 1, space label and dimension annotations are not visible.