OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Managed Data Item Support in CIS/2 Design Model

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer’s CIS/2 translator is enhanced to create Managed Data Items for all ASSEMBLY_DESIGN_STRUCTURAL_MEMBER and sub classes/entities. Managed Data Items are used for change management and design synchronization when working with detailing applications dependent upon CIS/2 models.

The enhancements allows you to export a CIS/2 design model from the structural model, make changes to the structural model, and subsequently export a second version of the CIS/2 design model in which the same GUIDS in the Managed Data Items that were used in the first version are reused.

Importing the CIS/2 model into an empty OpenBuildings™ Station Designer DGN retains the Managed Data Items. Subsequent exports of changes back to the CIS/2 model also retain the original Managed Data Items.

CIS/2 and ISM ID's

If Members in the OpenBuildings™ Station Designer model have ISM ID’s (imported from an ISM model), their Managed Data Items reuse the same ISM ID’s. That is, the CIS/2 export now respects the export map created when creating an ISM repository.