OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Managing Constraints

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer makes it easy for you to manage the applied constraints. While working with constraints, you will experience full flexibility to modify your design by editing or removing the constraints.

Constraint Markers

When a constrained element is selected, the respective constraint markers of the applied constraints are displayed. The constraint markers imitate the constraint tools icons you see on the ribbon. By default, these constraint markers are displayed only when a constraint tool is active. You can permanently turn on the display of these markers, from the View Attributes dialog, Presentation section. Click the down arrow next to the Markers icon and then click the toggle button against the constraints in the list. You can choose to display geometric constraints or dimensional constraints one at a time by clicking the toggle button against the desired constraint icon:

  • Geometric
  • Dimensional
The constraints markers give you quick access to the interactive selection and options for editing and managing the constraints in a reset pop-up menu. Following are the options you get in this reset pop-up menu:
  • Edit Dimension: Used to change the value of dimension in a dimensional constraint.
  • Remove: Used to remove the respective constraint.
Note: If the Dimensional constraint marker is turned off in the View Attributes dialog, the 2D and 3D constraint markers will display when constrained elements are selected.

Removing Constraints

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, you can choose to remove all the applied constraints at once or remove them individually one at a time. To remove a particular constraint, you need to use the constraint reset pop-up menu, accessed from the constraint display icons of respective constraint in your design. To remove all the constraints in your profile, use the Remove All tool.

Degree of Freedom

An unrestrained rigid body in space has six degrees of freedom: three translating motions along the x, y and z axes and three rotary motions around the x, y and z axes respectively. The number of independent movements a body has, that is, how many distinct ways the body can be moved is the degree of freedom (DOF) of the body. Constraints are restrictions to these degrees of freedom of the body. You can use the Degree Of Freedom tool to know the number of degrees of freedom a constrained element has left with.

Manipulating a 3D Constraint

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer gives you the flexibility of modifying the applied 3D constraints with the Manipulate 3D Constrained Geometry tool. Using this tool you can make translatory or rotary manipulations in the constraint.