OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Create a User Defined Slab

  1. Activate the (Place Slab) tool settings and click the (Edit Catalog Item) icon in the Catalog tools

    The Catalog Editor opens.

  2. While the Slab type is selected in the tree, right-click > New Catalog Type or select New > New Catalog Type.

    The Catalog Type Definition dialog opens.

  3. In the Settings group, override the default Type Name string NewCatalogType by keying-in a name UserDefinedSlabType for the new catalog type. Also enter a suitable display name. Make sure the Destination settings File Name is the Slab.xml.
    Tip: This specific definition file attachment is the minimum requirement for OpenBuildings™ Station Designer to recognize user defined catalog items as authentic Slab form.
  4. In the Definition settings group, select Tool Template: Place Slab.
  5. Make sure the Slab_Common (and SlabQuantities and SlabStructuralUsage) is in Selected Definitions column. Click OK to save to close the Catalog Type Definition dialog.
    Note: You can have your own schema definitions established such as gutters, chair rails, wire molding, rail tracks, etc. and associated with catalog types.

    The UserDefinedSlabType type appears in the catalog items tree in catalog editor.

  6. Next, make sure > Show Catalog Items is checked.
  7. Select the newly created catalog type and right-click > New Catalog Item or select New > New Catalog Item.

    The New Catalog Item dialog opens.

  8. Leave the destination path as is and in Name key in the name UserDefinedSlabItem, for the new catalog item. Make sure the destination File Name is the Slab.xml settings file. Click OK.
    The New Catalog Item dialog closes, and the newly created catalog item appears under UserDefinedSlabType type.

  9. Select > Save in Catalog Editor dialog.

    Close the Catalog Editor.

  10. Open the Place Slab tool settings dialog and select the (Refresh Library) tool. The new catalog type UserDefinedSlabType and catalog item UserDefinedSlabItem are added to the Place Slab tool settings.

    1. User defined catalog type 2. User defined catalog item 3. Properties defined by the Slab_Common.XSD catalog definition file