OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Searching Font Definitions

If the Message center says it is substituting fonts because they cannot be found, and you believe that the font should be available but is not hidden, then you need to ensure that the fonts are in places that OpenBuildings™ Station Designer can find them. These locations can vary based on the font type (see below). The MS_FONTPATH configuration variables can be used as a search path for all font types.

TrueType fonts

These are normally installed at the system level, and are found in your Windows fonts directory (%SYSTEMROOT%\Fonts; for example, C:\Windows\Fonts). You must be an administrator on your computer to install TrueType fonts at this level. You can also append search paths via the MS_FONTPATH configuration variable. OpenBuildings™ Station Designer will also search the same directory as the design file if the font is not otherwise found (TrueType and SHX only).

RSC Fonts

These fonts cannot be installed at the system level, and must be in a location found by configuration variables. RSC fonts are collected into RSC font libraries (*.RSC files), and are typically deployed with a workspace, or in the "system" directory of your local workspace. OpenBuildings™ Station Designer will search all resource files in locations found via the following configuration variables: MS_SYMBRSRC and MS_FONTPATH. It builds a file list of first MS_SYMBRSRC, then of MS_FONTPATH. As it reads the RSC fonts, if there are font number conflicts, then the one added to the file list last wins. If there are multiple font libraries in the same directory, the order is alphabetical.

SHX Fonts

These fonts cannot be installed at the system level, and must be in a location found by configuration variables or AutoCAD registry entries, or in the same directory as the DGN or DWG file in which it is referenced. OpenBuildings™ Station Designer will search the AutoCAD font directory (as dictated by AutoCAD registry entries describing the most recently run version of AutoCAD), as well as all locations identified by the MS_FONTPATH and MS_DWGFONTPATH configuration variables.