OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Double Line Graphics tab

Used to control the graphics elements that will be used to draw the Structural element from the top or side view as a double line. Double Lines is the term used to describe a small portion of the actual appearance of the Structural member. That is, double lines will be closer together for a view of a beam's profile, and will be wider for a view of a beams' side. Usually the length of a double line is a small percentage of the overall length. Double lines may be placed anywhere along a member's length, and may be up to 100% of the member's length.

Double lines are also called widgets in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer. When you have a widget in a drawing, it serves the purpose of showing the actual member resymbolized, plus you can slide it along its full length in an extracted drawing.

Display double line When on, enables access to double line resymbolization settings.
Double line position When Resymbolize with cell is turned off, controls the position of the double line. The position is either % of member length or distance from an end, depending on what you select in the Double Line position option menu. Key in the value in the text box provided.
  • % of member length – Specifies that the double line will be placed at this percentage of the member length. (50% is midpoint, for example.)
  • Distance from end 1 – Specifies that the double line will be placed this distance from end 1 of the member.
  • Distance from end 2 – Specifies that the double line will be placed this distance from end 2 of the member.
Double line length Controls the length of the double line. The position is either % of member length or a specified distance in the plot, depending on what you select in the Double line length option menu. Key in the value in the text box provided.
  • % of member length – Specifies that the double line length will be this percentage of the member length.
  • In plot – Specifies that the double line will have this length in the plot. If you chose a position of 50%, a length of 1:0, and a value of In plot, the double line would be placed at the midpoint of the member for a length of 1:0 units.
Section scale Sets the scale factor for the display of the double line portion of the member. This affects the width of the double-line portion, including all web and flange thicknesses.
Minimum plotted thickness By default, this value is set to 0:0, which means that the two lines in the double line are right next to each other. Set this field to a larger value (0:0 1/64, for example) to have the two lines separated slightly. This will make the double lines much easier to see, especially if your plotter tends to “bleed together” two very close lines.
Copy Single Line Symbology Click this button to duplicate the symbology you have already set for single lines. Then, if you want to, you can alter that symbology for your double lines without having to set all the fields.
Resymbolize with cell When turned on, enables access to cell position and scale fields and option menus. The name of the user-defined cell to use in place of a to-scale representation.

  • Cell position — When Resymbolize with cell is turned on, controls the position of the cell that will be used for the double line. The position is either % of member length or distance from an end, depending on what you select in the Cell position option menu. Key in the value in the text box provided.
    • % of member length – Specifies that the cell will be placed at this point of the member length. (50% is midpoint, for example.)
    • Distance from end 1 – Specifies that the cell will be placed this distance from end 1 of the member.
    • Distance from end 2 – Specifies that the cell will be placed this distance from end 2 of the member.
  • Cell X Scale option menu — Select one of the following values:
    • Cell X Scale – Lets you set the scale of the cell along the X-axis.
    • Length in Plot – Lets you set the length of the cell in the drawing.
  • Cell Y Scale option menu — Select one of the following values:
    • Cell Y Scale – Lets you set the scale of the cell along the Y-axis.
    • Height in Plot – Lets you set the height of the cell in the drawing.
Symbology Sets the symbology for the double lines. When resymbolizing with cell, check boxes appear that are used to override cell graphics symbology.
  • Level — Sets the level for visible double lines.
  • Color — Sets the color for visible double lines.
  • Style — Sets the line style for visible double lines.
  • Weight — Sets the line weight for visible double lines.
Hidden Edge Symbology Hidden edges are those that are “covered” by another item in the drawing (the center line of a beam that is turned so that you cannot see the center line, for example). Even if you set the symbology for hidden edges here, you must also turn on the hidden edges on the Forward/Reflected Views controls on View Attributes dialog Building panel General tab for these settings to be used in the drawing composition process.
  • Level — Sets the level for hidden double edges.
  • Color — Sets the color for hidden double edges.
  • Style — Sets the line style for hidden double edges.
  • Weight — Sets the line weight for hidden double edges.