OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Creating and Editing Cells

This section covers how to create and edit cells.

Tip: Instead of creating cells "from scratch," consider using the cell libraries supplied in the ..\Default\Cell\ folder of OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's program directory. This saves you substantial time and effort. Also, many cell libraries can be purchased from third-party vendors. These cell libraries can be customized to meet your exact needs.
Note: If you need a cell but cannot add one to a cell library (because, for example, a system administrator is in charge of the cell libraries in your company), please ask your system administrator to ensure that there is a location within your WorkSet that users can write to. The location in our example WorkSets is ...\<WorkSetName>\Standards\Cell\, e.g. C:\ProgramData\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\Example\WorkSets\MetroStation\Standards\Cell\. Cells that are useful to other WorkSets can easily be imported from WorkSet cell libraries into WorkSpace or Organization cell libraries by the administrator.
Note: DWG workmode supports only shared cells.