OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Views and View Controls

By default, the Energy Simulator application window opens with three Views opened with top, isometric and front orientations. The top orientation or plan view is the largest of the three, and is typically where most of the Energy Simulator modeling tasks are completed.

Views are collectively, the portion of the active model (and its attached references) that are displayed in a view window in a certain display orientation. Up to eight views can be opened at one time.

View Tools

A view control bar is located at the top of each view window. These tools control update (redraw), zoom, fit (zoom extents), rotate, pan, and display style (wireframe, hidden line, etc.). View controls can be applied to one view window or to all.

All tools in the toolbox are not always visible by default. To see all tools, right click in the toolbox and select Show All from the menu.

Some of the most useful view controls include the following:

View Attributes (First icon on left) – Opens the View Attributes dialog, which is used to set view attributes that affect whether and how certain types and classes of elements are displayed and whether certain drawing aids are displayed. Changes to the selected view take effect immediately. If Apply To All is enabled, changes are applied to all views.
Update View (Paintbrush icon) – Used to redraw the display when an operation leaves a view with an incomplete display. For example, if you delete an element that crosses in front of (and partially obscures) another element, the part of the underlying element that should be revealed might not be redrawn automatically.
Window Area (Magnifying glass with a dashed box icon) – Used to define a smaller area to display in the selected view, or another.
Fit View (View with arrows pointing up/down and left/right icon) – Used to fit the entire model in a view (for the “big picture” or to get your bearings).
Rotate View (Two arrows rotating around each other icon) – Used to rotate a view dynamically or to one of the standard orientations (top, bottom, front, back, left, right, etc).
View Previous (View with a curved arrow pointing left icon) – Used like an Undo function to negate previous viewing operations, as many as eight per view.
Tip: To open additional views beyond the three opened by default, right click on the View Groups toolbox, and select View Toggles.

The View Groups toolbox expands displaying the eight view toggles. Click the toggles to open additional views.