OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Registered Design Files

Used to organize the design files (registered) in active project. Opens the Design Files dialog, where all design files in the workset are managed.

Accessed from:
  • Backstage: File > Settings > Building > Electrical Setup > Registered Design Files

Design Files Treeview Shows Design Files categories in a Treeview.
Note: Drawings must be stored in the Floor Plans section.
The list view on right displays the models in current project.
Opens the Drawing Manager dialog.

Using this dialog, you can add, edit or erase sections of the Design File. The New and Add opens Create Keys dialog where group level keys are managed. The Edit opens selected group properties dialog used to revise key details.
Import Opens the Register Model dialog. Browse and select .DGN file. The selected design file is amended in the list.
Erase Erases Design File(s), upon confirming the prompt. This is equivalent to unregister unwanted design file from multi registered files in a project.
Copy Design File to Clipboard.
Cut Design File to Clipboard.
Copy Design File from Clipboard.
>CAD Opens Design File in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer.
Filter List Design Files in file box according to settings in built-in search engine.
Built-in search engine Upper section: search file criteria.
  • Model
  • Title
  • No
Lower section: Enter search information.
Start search engine.
Name Design file name, taken from .DGN file name. Appears in the Model File section of the file list box.
Note: It is not possible to change the name of the active drawing.
Title 1, Title 2, Title 3 Enter additional information about design file. Entries appear in the Title section of the file list box, separated by a bar.
Note: Click Save to store information and to make it appear in the file list box.
Page / Pages Enter number for number of page / complete number of pages.
Floor/Site Plan options Select default Floor/Site Plan or Other Drawing option.
Closes the dialog. It is necessary to close the dialog in order to shift focus in the vew.