OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Align Symbols In Row Centered

Used to create a line of symbols.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical > Symbols > Align Symbols > In Row Centered

Symbol are placed with reference to the center point of the symbol line.
Select Symbol Opens the Symbol Manager dialog. Select symbol to place. Symbol is shown as in preview box.
Angle Select symbol angle.
Options available:
  • 0 degrees
  • 90 degrees
  • 180 degrees
  • 270 degrees
Symbols Enter number of symbols manually.
Max number When checked, maximum number of symbols are placed into line (corresponds with Gap/no Gap settings).
Gap Enter gap between symbols manually (corresponds with Symbols/Max number settings).
No Gap Disabled Gap. Symbols are placed without any gap between them.
Height Enter symbol height manually.
> Preview Shows preview of symbol in the drawing with selected settings. The dialog disappears momentarily. Click in the view to return to the dialog.
OK Inserts symbol arrangement in a line after you select start- and endpoint of symbol line in drawing.
Cancel Closes the dialog.