OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Place Raceway

Used to place raceways in the drawing.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical Raceways Place Raceway Place Raceway

Place Part drop down Options available:
  • Place Part
  • Place Part / cycle
  • Append Part
  • Append Level Change
Note: When you start to create a new Raceway, only Place Part and Place Part / cycle will be accessible.
System Select Raceway System. Options available:
  • Cable Tray / Solid Bottom
  • ....
  • Busway welder, ..etc.
Dimension drop down Activated for the selected system for Cable Ladder:
  • Width=6", Height 3"
  • Width=9", Height 3", ..etc.
Part drop down Lists the parts available for selected system for Cable Tray / Solid Bottom:
  • Straight 120"
  • Straight 144", ..etc.
Part selection is mandatory, as selecting <none> disables the Insert function.
Variable Parts can be drawn with variable lengths in drawing when activated. Else Insert opens Place Part / Options dialog, where you can predefine the angles and cursor position.

Parameters: Start Height Enter Raceway Start Height.
Note: See More about place raceway workflow, below.
Orientation Accessible when creating Bends/Tees. Options available:
  • Left
  • Right
  • Left/Right
Insert Inserts Raceway into drawing. Select start point, second point for direction (and length if variable is activated).
Select Connection Click on Raceway section in drawing to connect to.
Previous Removes last Raceway section.
Preferences Opens the Preferences dialog.

The selected straights and bend radiuses are used for Raceways.
H:V field Displays the values of Horizontal and Vertical angles, can be set in Place Part / Options dialog opened when you begin Insert while variable is unchecked.
>CAD Allows access to the drawing to change view/zoom whilst creating Raceways.
Cancel Closes the dialog.

More about place raceway workflow

When you place raceway while the variable option was checked, you are to select insert point in the view and drag to define flexible length for the raceway. Once the end data point is selected, the Raceway dialog reappears with "Append Part " in Place Part drop down option.

On the other hand while the variable option was unchecked, you will set direction and angles in the Place Part / Options dialog before inserting a data point in the drawing. Once clicked in the view, the Raceway dialog reappears where you are expected to set the End Height.

Note: In this method, the Place Part drop down will have the "Append Level Change" option preselected. Additionally, you are allowed to set Append vertical filtering option.