OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Place/Modify Symbol Hangers

Used to place or modify symbol hangers.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical > Symbols > Hangers

Select start- and endpoint for Hangers in drawing.
Hanger 1, 2, 3, 4 Select Hanger type. Options available are:
  • ‹none›
  • Luminaire Hanger 1,5"
Hanger alignment Available when Hanger type is selected above. Options available are:
  • Start
  • Center
  • End
Offset X, Offset Y Enter Offset in X and Y direction (enable when Hanger type selected above).
Mounting Height: Standard Height Select height in the drop down menu. Heights are set in Standard Heights.
Mounting Height: absolute When checked, activates Height field. Enter height manually.
Style Opens the Hanger / Style dialog.

Shows all available Hanger Styles. Select Style from the available options:

  • Single Fixture
  • Start
  • Center
  • End
OK accepts Hanger Style and returns to the Hangers dialog.
Standard Heights Opens the Standard Heights / Installation Height dialog.
OK Accepts Hanger settings and closes the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog.