OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Place Fire Detectors

Used to place fire detector symbols selected spaces on floor level in drawing.

Note: Applicable to UK dataset only.
Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical > Detectors > Place

The dialog settings determine the layout for fire detectors being placed in a room.

Space type selection Lists space type to refer the smoke detector symbol placement, includes ceilings, carridor, or across beams and joists.
  • Ceiling — Sets height of the ceiling. You can pick the height from Select Installation height dialog.
  • Beam — Sets beam spacing. Applicable for beams and joists type.
Detector Displays preview of the selected symbol.
  • Smoke Detector — checked, when you want to place smoke detectors.
  • Heat Detector — checked, to place heat detector symbols.
Select — opens symbol selection dialog, where you can pick a desired detector symbol from the library.
Result Displays the symbol distribution and count of detectors in each direction for the selected room ceiling, once you click Calculate.
>Preview Displays how detectors would be placed in the drawing view. When clicked in the view, the dialog reappears.
>CAD Places the detectors in the drawing.
Key-in: besfirelayout