OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Output Manager

Used to access and manage reports generated in Electrical discipline.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Data/Reporting > Electrical > Output Manager

Note: Electrical discipline works with an online database, which keeps track of all actions taking place in the drawing. Electrical discipline sends all the information to MS EXCEL, the reports and lists are generated in standard .xls file format. (Block Diagrams are created as .dgn drawings).
Add Opens Add Drawing dialog. Select drawing file database(s) to compile reports/lists. The database file names are compiled of the DGN file name and the extension .EDB.
Remove Removes selected database files (.EDB) from the file list box.
Save List Opens BBES Output Drawing List dialog where the current file list is saved in a template file (file name extension: .ECM).
Load List Loads the file list from the saved template file (file name extension: .ECM).
Errors Buttons get activated in case of errors in reports/lists.
Categories available:
  • Cable
  • Cable Route
  • Distribution
  • Others
Bill of Quantities Creates Bill of Quantities including Item, Subtype and Quantity. It is also possible to create a cable list and a luminaire schedule, and transformer schedule.
Space/Zone Reports Creates a Rooms / Zones report of all symbols in drawing(s) and lists their locations, also Equipment-, and Panel- schedules.
Energy Analysis Creates an Energy Analysis report for selected rooms.
Ashrae 90.1-2004 Creates an Ashrae 90.1-2004 report.
Ashrae 90.1 Benchmark Creates an Ashrae 90.1 Benchmark report as comparison of two calculated Ashrae 90.1 reports.
Board Schedule Creates a Board Schedule for cables in drawing(s) generated with Cable Manager.
Panel Schedule (L+P) Creates a Panel Schedule for all panels created with the Panel Manager.
Cable List Creates a Cable List for cables in drawing(s) generated with the Cable Manager.
Riser List Creates a Riser List.
Block Diagrams Creates Block Diagrams in DGN.