OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Cable Manager

Sets cable wiring details.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical > Circuits > Cable Manager

Left Panel: Wiring/Circuit
  • Cable Systems — Select Cable System.
    The following Cable Systems are available:
    • L+P Wiring
    • Emergency Lighting
    • Telecommunications (CAT n)
    • Information Technologies
    • Fire Protection
    • Public Address
    • Intruder Detection
    • Antenna
    • Video
    • Access Control
    • Other Comm Systems
  • Circuit Lines Treeview — Displays Circuit Lines.
    • — Edit Structure button; opens the Panels dialog for selected Cable System.

      Used to create line/cables structures for selected Cable Systems.
      • Key No, Description — Lists Panel settings/details.
      • New — Opens the Panel Properties dialog where new panel settings are done.
      • Edit — Opens the Panel Properties dialog used to edit settings for selected panel in the circuit lines list.
      • Setup — Opens the Panel Manager dialog.
      • Erase — Erases the selected panel, after confirming Yes in the prompted message dialog.
      • OK — Saves the Panels settings.
    • Copy.. — Copies existing Circuits including cable information.
    • 1,2,3.. — Sorts Cable Numbers for Circuit (ascending).
    • — Displays all cables for any selected Circuit in the drawing. Click OK to end preview.
    • Zoom — Creates zoom window around the cable preview for the selected Circuit.
    • Filter — Only Distributions/Circuits selected with the Filter button are displayed and accessible.
    • — Lock/Unlock cables for Circuit.
    • — Generates Info Lines for all cables in Circuit
    • Filter.. — Select Distributions including all Circuits for filtering.
    • AMTECH ProDesign — Creates export file for cable calculation application AMTECH Pro Design. The Select Circuits dialog pops up, allowing to select one or more circuits before proceeding.
    • Panel Schedule — Opens the Panel Manager dialog.
    • Export — Opens the Export Panel dialog to copy complete distribution including cable and symbols.

      Used to create a file with information about distribution, circuits, cable and symbols.
      • Save in — Select location of export file.
      • File name — Displays name of export file.
      • Save as type — Export file is created in *.besPanel format.
      • Save — Creates the export file.
    • Import — Opens the Import Panel dialog to insert the exported distribution including cable and symbols.

      Used to import the exported Panel including all circuits, cable and symbols.
      • Look in — Select location of exported files.
      • File name — Displays name of selected file.
      • Files of type — Displays file in *.besPanel format.
      • Open — Open the selected export file.
      The imported distribution are used to insert in the drawings.
      Note: Import is possible in different drawing or project but not in different cable system.
    • Refresh — Displays number of devices in Circuit, overall cable length and load information in the fields below about Circuit which can be checked against maximum values.
    • Update Labels — Adds/updates label information to symbols in drawing.
    • Recalculate Labels — Adds/updates label information to symbols in drawing, also reorganizes database.
      Tip: Uncheck the Filter before Recalculate.
Right top panel: Cable on selected Circuit
  • Wiring listview — Displays Cable No, Cable, Dimension, Installation Type, Length and ID of all cables in circuit.
  • New... — Opens the Cable Properties dialog. Select cable details to create a new cable.
  • Edit... — Opens the Cable Properties dialog. Change section for cable selected in listview above.
  • C-No. — Opens the Individual Cable No dialog.

    Enter new Cable No and click OK. Such individual Cable numbers add a prefix ">" before Cable No. in the Wiring list.

    New Cable number can be removed by clicking on the Unlock button.

  • — Lock/Unlock Cable numbers (Cable No).
  • Erase — Erases Cable(s). Multiple selection available by using Shift-mouse click or Ctrl-mouse click.
  • — Cut cables to Clipboard.
  • — Copy cables to Clipboard.
  • — Copy cables from Clipboard.
  • Insert before — New cables are inserted before the selected cable segment.
  • — Displays selected cable segments in drawing. Click in the view to end preview.
Right middle panel: Symbols on selected cable
  • Symbols listview — Displays Symbol, Description, Location and Addresses of Symbols
  • >From — Select symbol in drawing where cable segment starts from.
  • >Connect — Connect symbols with cables by clicking on them one by one.
  • >Insert — Insert symbol in existing cable route.
  • >Erase — Removes symbol from cable segment.
  • >Go To — Select symbol in drawing. The first cable segment this symbol is connected to, will be highlighted in the Wiring listview.
  • Star — Enables "Star" cable connections; first symbol selected is the star centre.
  • — Displays and zooms to selected symbol in drawing. Click in the view to exit preview.
Right lower panel: Model Link on selected Symbol; Raceway systems on selected cable
  • Model Link ‹FROM›, Model Link ‹TO› — Displays information about the DWN Links of selected Wiring symbol.
  • Connect — Select floorlevel to connect to
  • Define — Opens the Model Link Matrix dialog.
  • Connect Level — Connect to Wiring symbol in other floorplan/drawing.
  • Listview Info Line — Displays list of Info Line, Installation Type, Length, vertical
  • >Routing — Function routes cables over Raceways. Requires both an Raceway start- and end section.
  • >Select — Function routes cables over Raceways. Only requires one Raceway section.
  • Erase — Erases Info Line section shown in list view above
  • — Cut Info Line sections to Clipboard.
  • — Copy Info Line sections to Clipboard.
  • — Copy Info Line sections from Clipboard.
  • Insert Before — New Info Line sections will be generated before the selected (highlighted) section in listview above.
  • — Zooms to selected Info Line section in drawing.