OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Dimension Styles Dialog, Geometry Tab

Contains controls that affect the appearance of the dimension's geometry.

Dimension Lines Consists of controls that affect the general appearance of dimension lines.
  • Stack Offset -

    Sets the space, in working units, between dimension lines if dimensions are stacked.

    If set to 0.0 (the default), a reasonable value based on text size and orientation is computed. Set Stack Offset to a value other than 0 only if you need constant spacing between dimension lines.

  • Relative Dimension Line -

    If on, the dimension line moves relative to the length of the first extension line so that when the geometry moves, the extension length remains constant.

    If off and the geometry moves, the dimension line location stays constant and the length of the extension changes.

Extension Lines Consists of controls that affect the placement of extension lines (also called witness lines or projection lines).
  • Enable -

    If on, extension lines are placed. If off, extension lines are not placed.

    When you place interior dimensions, it is often useful to suppress extension line placement to avoid an intersecting extension line.


  • Offset -

    The distance, in text height units, between the start of the extension line and the element.

    A negative value forces the length of the extension line from the dimension line to the end of the extension line. This is relative to the text height. For example, if the text height is 0:6, an offset value of -5 produces extension lines with a length of 2'-6".

  • Extension -

    Sets the distance, in text height units, that the extension line extends beyond the dimension line.

Terminators Consists of controls that set the appearance and geometry of the default dimension terminators.

Geometry measurements are based on the text size. For example, if the height is set at 0.25 and the width is set at 0.5, then the terminator size would be 0.25 of the text height and 0.5 of the text width. When Uniform Cell Scale is turned on, the terminator size would be a scale factor of 0.25 for a shared cell.

  • Arrowhead -

    Controls the appearance of the default arrowhead terminator — Open, Closed, or Filled.

    Under the Symbols menu, the Arrow control can be used to specify an alternate arrowhead.

  • Width -

    Sets the terminator width, in text height units.

    When Uniform Cell Scale is on, the Width value uniformly scales the cell terminator width and height, in text height units.

  • Height -

    Sets the terminator height, in text height units.

  • Symbols -

    Consists of controls that are used to specify alternate symbols (characters from symbol fonts or cells) for each of the default dimension terminators.

    Font 102 is the symbol font in the font library supplied with OpenBuildings™ Station Designer that contains terminator symbols.

    Various terminator types are associated with particular dimensioning tools; some of the tool names even specify a terminator type. See the Advanced tab Tool Specific category for more information.

    The active dimension settings can be set to match those of a dimension element with the Match All Element Settings tool.

  • Symbols: Arrow -

    Specifies an alternate to the default Arrowhead.

    • Default — Default arrowhead.
    • Symbol — Character and Font (by number) that you enter in the adjacent fields.
    • Cell — Cell name that you enter in the adjacent field.

    When a dimension is placed, the specified cell is placed as a shared cell, so its definition must exist in the design file.

  • Symbols: Stroke - Specifies an alternate to OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's default stroke terminator symbol (choices are the same as for Arrow).
  • Symbols: Origin -

    Specifies an alternate to OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's default origin terminator symbol (choices are the same as for Arrow).

  • Symbols: Dot -

    Specifies an alternate to OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's default dot terminator symbol (choices are the same as for Arrow).

  • Symbols: Note -

    Specifies an alternate to OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's default Place Note terminator symbol (choices are the same as for Arrow).

  • Uniform Cell Scale -

    Controls how cell terminator size is defined. This control does not affect terminators defined with the Default or Symbol setting.

    If on, the Terminator Width value uniformly scales both the width and height of cell terminators, in text height units. The Terminator Height value is ignored.

    For example, assume that the Terminator Width is 1.5 and the text Height (under the Text tab) is 2.0. When you place a dimension that has a cell terminator, the terminator 's size is the cell definition size multiplied by 3.0. Uniform Cell Scale is useful if you plan to save a DGN file to DWG format, since the DWG format requires cell width and height to be uniform.

    If Uniform Cell Scale is off, the Terminator Width value sets the terminator width in text height units. The Terminator Height sets the terminator height.

    This control is available only in DGN workmode. It is controlled by the configuration variable CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_CELLTERM_HEIGHT.

Fit Options Consists of controls that affect the general appearance or placement of text and terminators.
  • Text/Terminator -

    Selects the minimum fit dependant on the text, terminator or combination.

    • Text Moves First — As extension lines move closer together, the terminators (and leaders) stay between the extension lines until the dimension text, minimum leaders, and terminators no longer fit. At this point the terminators (and leaders) move to the outside of the extension lines and only the text remains between them. When the distance between the extension lines is too small for even the text alone to fit, the text is moved outside with the leader lines.
    • Terminator Moves First — The Terminator moves first and the text remains between the extension lines.
    • Smallest Moves — The smaller of the text width and terminator moves first.
    • Both Move — The text and terminator both move if either doesn't fit between extension lines.
    • Text Inside — Text is forced to move inside the extension lines
    • Term. Outside — Terminator (and leaders) are outside of the extension lines, and the dimension text remains between the extension lines. There is no dimension line.
    • Term Inside — Terminators (and leaders) remain inside the extension lines. This can be useful when the dimension text must remain above the dimension line.
    • Term. Reversed — Terminators and a short leader are moved to the outside of the extension lines. There is a dimension line. This can be useful when the dimension line must extend beyond the extension line.

      When terminators are outside the extension lines, the leader length is set with Min(imum) Leader field.

  • Min. Leader -

    Sets the space, in text width units, between extension lines and dimension text.

Note: The Fit Options only apply to angular and linear dimensions.
Tolerance Consists of controls that affect the generation of dimensions with Tolerance.
  • Enable -

    If on, displays tolerances.

    If off, does not display tolerances.

  • Type -

    Sets the format for the tolerance:

    Tolerance types from top: Plus/Minus; Plus/Minus if Upper and Lower limits are different; Limit

    • Plus/Minus — The dimension and the upper and lower limits are expressed as positive and negative limits.
    • Limit — The dimension is expressed as the upper and lower limits.
  • Upper -

    Sets the upper tolerance limit, in working units.

    A positive limit in the upper tolerance and a negative limit in the lower tolerance will produce a positive number for the upper tolerance and a negative number in the lower tolerance when the dimension is placed.


  • Lower -

    Sets the lower tolerance limit, in working units.


  • Text Size -

    Sets the tolerance text size, specified as a multiple of the dimension text Height and Width.


  • Left Margin -

    Sets the horizontal space, in text height units, between tolerance text and dimension text.

  • Sep. Margin -

    Sets the vertical space, in text height units, between tolerance values.

Dimension With Leader Consists of controls that affect the general appearance of dimension leaders. You can modify the location of a dimension value to something other than horizontal along the dimension line. You can also modify how the dimension text visually identifies the dimension with which it is associated.
  • Mode -
    • None (default) — displays dimension with no leader.
    • On — allows display of a leader with dimensions.
    • Automatic — automatically places a leader with a line dependent on the Fit Option.
  • Type -

    Sets the type of leader line to display: None, Line, Arc, or Bspline.

  • Terminator -

    Sets the type of terminator to display: none, arrow, slash, empty ball, or filled ball.

  • Alignment -

    Sets the option for placing the leader are Auto(matic), Left, or Right.

  • In-line Leader -

    If on, adds a horizontal line in front of the dimension text.

Note: Dimension with a leader can be placed only when the Location option is set to Manual in the tool settings window of the dimensioning tool.
Center Size Sets the size of the center mark in radial dimensions. If set to 0, the center mark size is the active text height. If set to a negative value, extension lines are added to the center mark.

Left: Center Mark with center size = 0.05 / Right: center size = -0.03 (negative value shows extension lines)

Offset distance and length of extension lines can be set by enabling Extension Lines or can be dynamically adjusted in the drawing when Association is off.

Changes made to the Center Size value in the Place Center Mark tool settings get reflected here. You can save the changes or reset to previously saved value.