OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help


Used to setup energy simulations by selecting buildings, zones and rooms to include in the simulation, and specifying the duration of the simulation. Energy Simulator can run multiple simulations simultaneously, covering different buildings, zones and rooms, and can save simulation results for subsequent review.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Energy Simulator > Calculations > Simulations > Simulation
Simulation: Calculate tab Contains controls used to setup and start a simulation. The Calculate tab can define which zones of a building to conduct an energy simulation for, the type of simulation, which weather data to use, and the length of the simulation.
Simulation: Results tab Contains controls used to open saved results for previously executed simulations. The Results tab opens instances of the Simulation results in which results reports can be reviewed.
Results: Viewer tab Used to display both graphical and tabulated results. The Simulation: Results Viewer tab can display both graphical and numerical tabulated reports. The graphical display allows you to super impose different reports variables on the same graph and also compare different results files.
Report Settings Opens the Simulation report settings panel in Defaults Manager where you can define, for your project, a default set of standard EnergyPlus reports to be displayed in Simulation results.