OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Settings Manager

Used to define a variety of application settings that apply in all sessions of Energy Simulator and in all projects.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Energy Simulator > Data Managers > Settings > Settings

Simulation settings
  • Maximum concurrent simulations — Sets the maximum number of simulations that can run concurrently.
Room settings
  • Adjacent tolerance — Sets the maximum allowable distance between room surfaces in order to be considered by Energy Simulator as being in contact with each other. For instance, if the walls between two rooms exceed the entered value, they are not considered to be inside the building, and are not defined as partition objects. Adjacent walls that have a space between must also be parallel to be considered to be in contact as well. The Adjacent tolerance is necessary for eliminating small errors in the locations and relative positions of the graphical elements that represent the building.
  • Radiance programs folder - Specifies the directory of Radiance files are accessed. You can enter the path directly or use the Browse button to search for a location.
  • Rendering Options - Used to define aspects of image renderings.
  • Contour Options - Displays several contour rendering options.
  • Reset - Returns all settings to defaults.
Notifications Used to validate application/project data and resolve issues with application/project data in real time (as it is being entered in data manager dialogs) via errors, warnings and messages.
OK Closes Settings Manager, and applies all current changes.
Cancel Closes Settings Manager, without applying changes.
Apply Applies all current changes made, but does not close Settings Manager.
Tip: Units Display – Units are displayed using the default system of units that was defined for the project, but can be changed to display using alternative units.