OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Results Viewer

Used to investigate calculation details by stepping through the formulae used to obtain each result. The Results Viewer utility provides controls for stepping through calculations, changing the format of the results, copying any formula and result to the clipboard, or changing the display of results and formulae from the default units system to the other units system (IP to SI).

Opens when a result in the Energy Simulator calculation results dialog is selected.

Working with the Results Viewer is easy. To view details about a result, start by navigating the Ribbon to the Calculations tab, and selecting a calculation to execute.

When the calculation is complete, the results dialog is filled with results. The results can be viewed in more detail by following these steps:

  1. Identify the result you want to investigate. The results text is linked to the Results Viewer. Positioning the pointer over a result opens a pop up help window containing the result name and value and a continuing prompt.

  2. Click as prompted. The Results Viewer opens displaying the result details.

  3. In this example, the result is displayed alone. Investigate the result further by selecting either the result name or the value, and click the help pop up to continue.

  4. The next level of the formula is more involved. This results view contains the main formula for the calculation of the selected result. There are also comments about the formula.

  5. Stepping deeper into the formula, more sub-calculations can be viewed.

  6. Continuing eventually reaches a level where the results are only data values and no more formulae can be displayed.

    Note how there is no pop up help prompting continuing to the formula for the selected result.

  7. Select the Back icon on the toolbar to return to the previous results view, or the Close icon to dismiss the Results Viewer and return to the main calculation results dialog.
Tip: In the results dialogs, the Results Viewer utility is accessed wherever results displayed with a pop up help window and prompt. In the data managers dialogs, the Results Viewer utility is accessed by clicking the information icons next to Results Viewer enabled values.

Toolbar Contains tools used to navigate the history of the active Results Viewer session’s opened results views, and to close the Results Viewer.
  • Back — Used to return to the previous results view in the history.
  • Forward — Used to view the next results view in the history.
  • Close — Used to dismiss the Results Viewer, returning you to the main calculation results or data manager dialog, and clearing the results view history.
Results viewer Results are displayed in the main Results Viewer panel (below the toolbar) under three main headings; Result name, Formula and Comments.
  • [Result name] —
    • Value = – Displays the selected result value in the default units of measurement and number of decimal places.
  • Formula — Displays the full formula used to calculate the selected result. The formula text is linked to more formulae. Select a result inside the formula to view its formula.
  • Comments — Displays additional information about the selected result’s solving formula.
  • Pop-up menu — Contains controls used to enable several additional Results Viewer options. To open the pop-up menu, right click anywhere in the Results Viewer’s main display panel (below the toolbar).

    • Back – Used to return to the previous results view in the history (same as toolbar icon).
    • Forward – Used to view the next results view in the history (same as toolbar icon).
    • Copy value to clipboard – Used to copy the result to the clipboard.
    • Copy formula to clipboard – Used to copy the formula to the clipboard.
    • Show values at full decimal places – Used to display values with the maximum amount of decimal places possible. The default number of decimal places is two. This option is disabled by default.
    • Show units – Used to toggle the display of values between being displayed with units or without units. This option is enabled by default.
    • Display in IP units – Used to change the display of results from SI (metric) to IP (imperial) units. Display in IP units is enabled if the project default system of units is set to SI.
    • Display in SI units – Used to change the display of results from IP (imperial) to SI (metric) units. Display in IP units is enabled if the project default system of units is set to IP.
    • Close – Used to dismiss the Results Viewer (same as toolbar icon).