OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Create Package Wizard

Used to replicate (or package up) an environment from a user on one computer for the benefit of another user on another computer — potentially from another company. In operation, the Packager gathers all files related to a particular master design file. These file are then analyzed and the Packager reproduces the same file system structure as the source, based on the category of the files. This environment includes:

  • current WorkSet
  • configuration variables
  • line style settings
  • seed files
  • attached (and nested) references

Since a target computer might not have the same file system mounts, application location, and so on as the source computer, the Packager works in terms of relative, not absolute, paths. This focus on reproducibility of the environment requires that files are organized differently than they were on the source computer. However, the dynamically generated manifest does record the actual absolute locations of the files from the source computer. Nonetheless, it is strongly recommended that user environments should be saved before running the Packager.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: File > Tools > Packager
Clicking Next begins the creation process.

Create Package wizard

Note: WorkSet data is gathered by analyzing the current environment. Therefore, you need to be in the WorkSet that you are trying to package.
Note: The Packager requires Internet connectivity.
Enter package name Create a name and description for the package you are creating.
Select Design Options Allows you to select the types of files that should be automatically found and added to the package for each selected master design file.
Gather Design Data Allows you to select files with all attachments to be included in the package. Right-clicking a file provides additional functionality such as: toggle selection, selecting all, selecting and clearing a group, selecting and clearing a category, selecting and clearing a path, and refresh.
  • Refresh updates your view of the design data.
  • Add Designs allows you to select other design files.
  • Add Directories allows you to select other directories.
  • Current Design loads the current design files and attachments.
  • Current Directory loads all design files in the same directory as the open DGN file.
  • Recursive searches and gets all design files in the subdirectories from the current directory and down.
Select WorkSet Options Allows you to select the types of WorkSet data files that should automatically be found and added to the package.
Review Selections Displays the cumulative results of your selections thus far. In additional, several <generated> files are automatically created to document the package contents and provide configuration information for launching into the WorkSet. Unless you have a specific reason, you should not remove these files. Right-clicking a file provides additional functionality such as: toggle selection, selecting all, selecting and clearing a group, selecting and clearing a category, selecting and clearing a path, refresh, and extra files.

Selecting Extra File opens the Add Extra File(s) dialog, which is used to add and additional files to the package. The files are added to ..\WorkSet\Projects\<project name>\Extras.

Note: Files can be added only once. You cannot have the same file in multiple locations.
Package options Allows you to create a .pzip file. PZIP files are forward but not backwards compatible.
  • Create Package — Creates a packager zip file. OpenBuildings™ Station Designer supplies a .pzip extractor tool. Double-clicking the .pzip file launches the extractor and opens the file. The .pzip files are in standard compression format and can be opened with common controls such as WinZip.
  • Retain Design History — Is off by default and does not retain history. The design history is stripped from all design file in the package. In order to initialize Retain Design History, initialize the design history ( Drawing > Utilities > Design History > Initialize ).
Back Allows you to go back and change any selections you have made on previous pages.
Next Allows you to move to the next page and step in packager creation.
Finish Creates the package.