OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Compound Cell Manager

Used to create and place cells that include 3D and 2D (plan view) representations. Cell 3D components are displayed in the 3D model. The 2D representations are used in drawings and construction documents. The 2D representations can also display in the 3D model.

Accessed from:
  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Architectural > Place Architectural Elements > Object split button > Compound Cell Manager
  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Structural > Place Building Elements > Object split button > Compound Cell Manager
Compound cells can be created using forms and drawing elements.

Numerous perforators (no limit other than the size of the compound cell) can be added to a compound cell. A perforator is a shape that generates an opening in a form when the compound cell is placed.

Parts can be attached to individual elements in a compound cell to generate quantities for compound cell elements. However, parts are generally attached to each compound cell to calculate quantities for compound cells.

File > New Library Opens the Create Compound Cell Library dialog, used to create new compound cell libraries from available seed files.
File > Exit Closes the Compound Cell Manager.
Shared Places the compound cell as a shared cell when on.
Current Library Selects a compound cell library from the option menu.
Compound Cell list box
  • Name — Displays the name of the compound cell.
  • Description — Displays the compound cell description.
  • Type — Displays the type of compound cell.
  • Where — Displays the source of the compound cell.
Note: Click on a list box column to sort the display order of compound cell names by the property of the selected column.
Edit Opens the Compound Cell Info dialog for editing.
Delete Opens an Alert box to verify deletion of the compound cell from the library.
Create Opens the Create Cell dialog, used to create a compound cell.
Place Opens the Place Compound Cell dialog.
Compound Cell preview box Compound cells, selected in the list box, display here.
View Sets the preview box view rotation to Top, Front, Right, and Iso.
3D Displays a 3D image of the compound cell in the preview window when on.
Plan Displays the compound cell using Plan view when on.
Perforators Displays the compound cell with perforators when on.
Origin Displays the compound cell with origin identified when on.