OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

[Technology Preview] Components Center Explorer Dialog

Used to display the components available in the ProjectWise Project repository and place the selected component as a parametric cell.

You can open this dialog from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Content > Components Center > Place Component
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Content > Components Center > Place Component
Search Searches by the component name.
Refresh Refreshes the components list displayed in the dialog.
Show/Hide Details button Shows or hides the Details panel which displays the following information:
  • Properties - Displays the properties associated with the selected component.
  • Documents - Displays additional documents that are attached while publishing the component. You can download the documents by clicking the Save As button.
Filter by Allows you to filter the components based on different criteria such as Catalogs, Category, Manufacturer, and Application.

Displays the variations (if any) of the components.

  • Select All - Allows you to select all the available variations in the list.
  • Unselect All - Allows you to deselect all the selected variations in the list.
Page Size Displays the set number of components in the list. You can set this value to 20, 50 or 100.
Place Starts the Place Parametric Cell tool to place the selected component as a cell.