OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

System Rebuild

The Duct Sizing utility refines a system after initial placement of a route. Sizing the system before placement is still an important part of the design process, but certain properties like flow and velocity rates can result in resizing of the entire system. Typically, enhancements or design optimizations are minimal as the optimal design is closely approximated during the initial placement phase. The route analysis tool is capable of making substantial changes in system geometry as well as calculating flow and velocity rates for potentially hundreds of components. Insulation and flow rate changes are visible from within the sizing tool. Optimization changes affecting sizing and connectivity are not. The final application of all analysis changes is done when the sizing utility is closed or dismissed, and the system is recalculated automatically The BMECH REBUILD utility changes sizes and maintains connectivity. The Message Center displays a message when the rebuild is complete. If certain components are disconnected during the rebuild, they are detected by the View Disconnects dialog.

Key-in: Bmech Rebuild

CAUTION: The following alternative key-in information is provided as a reference for the BMECH REBUILD utility only. They must be executed from the Key-in dialog.

These key-ins are discipline specific. If the selection set or model contents that are being rebuilt are part of the inactive discipline, the message center reports zero components rebuilt.

Rebuild – Ignore 2D Symbols

Rebuilds all components in the selection set, fence or active model, but does not create 2D symbols.

bmech rebuild 1
Rebuild – Ignore 3D Geometry

Rebuilds all components in the selection set, fence or active model, but does not create 3D geometry.

bmech rebuild 2
Rebuild – Ignore 2D and 3D

Rebuilds all components in the selection set, fence or active model, but does not create 2D or 3D geometry.

bmech rebuild 3