OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Assign System ID

Used to define unique System ID's individually or incrementally for system paths or for entire systems. The path settings allows assigning IDs to system elements for all or selected components of a path, providing a visual reference to components that are being acted upon.
Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Mechanical > Place Mechanical Systems > System ID

There are also options for increment style. You can override existing incremental suffix pattern. The view settings assists visualising selected elements in the view. Once system ID's are assigned to components within an analyzed system, the DataGroup System is used to generate reports.

Path Settings Contains option to select a system and one or all paths and components in the system of a route to assign system IDs for the selected path. A routing may comprise more than one systems and each system may have multiple paths.
  • System — Displays the system number of the default route element being selected when the tool is invoked. Click to set the system to other available number in the list or set it to All.
  • Path — Lists the default path in the selected system. You can select other path number or All paths in the route.
  • Component — Lists the components in the current path. By default All components are selected. However, you can select a component number unless System and Path are set not set to All.
When the System is set to All, the path and components automatically set to All. Similarly for All path, the components are set to All.
System ID Displays the System ID string as defined in the below settings.
  • ID — Strings are formatted like this:

    [System number]-[System type]-[Count]-[Suffix]

Define System ID Contains controls and settings used to define how to generate unique system ID strings.
  • System Number — Displays system assigned incremental integer value for the route system. The System Number defaults to 01.
  • System Type — Displays abbreviated system types like SA (default) for Supply Air, RA for Return Air. Keyed-in text for the system types are used in generating system ID's.
  • Use System Type — Assigns 'System Type' name to a complete route for all components. When checked, disables the Count and Suffix settings.
  • Count — Displays the number assigned to an individual component of a given system path. Numbers start with 0001 (default) and increment to 9999. Count strings are always generated with four digits even if a single digit number is initially keyed-in.
    • Increment — Increments the system ID count by an incremental step. When checked, then the system ID's are generated starting with the count value followed by incremental values until the last component is reached.
  • Suffix — Displays the suffix letter when set to increment. Sets incremental to suffix as an alternate to count.
    • Increment — Increments the system ID string suffix starting from A, B, etc.
  • Override Existing — When on, existing ID strings are overridden the next time one of the “Define System ID" controls to generating string are selected.
View Settings to manage view windows to see the route/components being assigned system ID.
  • Fit Elements to View — when checked, the components currently selected in path settings are zoomed out in the current view.
  • Shown in View(s) — The selected views will display the currently selected elements in the system. You can click and select to set one or more views among eight views.
dialog controls
  • Delete All — Removes all system ID's in the system being analyzed.
  • Apply — Effects the contents of the System ID dialog, updates the ID string value in System ID, and highlights the 3D graphical element in the design model.
A momentary message Please wait.. button appears on the bottom of the dialog.