OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Duct System Sizing

Used to compute and based on pressure, velocity requirements perform sizing algorithms, and rebuild system after resizing by optimizing route path duct sections.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Analysis > HVAC > Duct System Sizing
Opens the Duct Sizing Section Summary dialog, where system sizing settings are done.

The dialog is used to load, set and compute duct sizing parameters to construct an optimized duct system by Equal Friction method. The dialog also allows to rebuild the resides duct system and write to model or promote single line route to 3D, and generate various reports.
Load System Loads the active duct system. When selected, and a valid route is loaded by selecting a source or first component in the route in the view, opens the Assign & Analyze Connection dialog, where flow types are mapped to the available connection ends. The Load System button turns , and remains animated until one of the mapped ends is selected to process. The route is then fully loaded with duct section data populated in the summary table.
When clicked the pointer highlights the duct section row corresponding to the currently selected segment in the route geometry. Based on the Sectioning settings in Duct Sizing - Settings, the ducts expanded in a given section are highlighted.
Number Sections Displays the number of sections comprised in the active duct system.
Group By The filtering and grouping list options are provided for listing the duct components.
  • Duct Section — Displays the duct components grouped in sections in ascending order. The collapse/expand arrow icons appears in 2nd column. The summary row above each section displays the sort criteria and the section number (Duct Section:#), where # indicates the section number. The heading also displays the summary of section pressure loss. A single click in Duct Section column heading will sort duct sections.
  • Duct Element — Displays the duct components grouped in element in ascending order. The collapse/expand arrow icon appears in 2nd column applicable for entire element list. The summary row above the elements list displays only heading of the group by criteria (Duct Element:Duct). A single click in Duct Element column heading will sort duct elements.
Main Duct Velocity Displays the value set for the Limit Duct Velocity in the Design Data in Duct Sizing Settings dialog.
Duct Sizing Table list The duct sizing table lists various columns that summarise duct section numbering, fitting identifications, size and dimensions and physical properties associated with each fitting.
Note: Refer to the section Working with Duct System Sizing dialog for behaviour, functioning and use of various dialog fields.
The following are the columns, arranged from left to right.
Note: The unit mentioned in the parenthesis against applicable properties is in (unit: Imperial, Metric).
  • Duct Section — Displays the section number in a sequence for the sections in the duct system. The letter suffixed with the Duct Section number (s, e, r or f) indicates the flow types mapped during the load. Note that the duct sections list appears in ascending order only for the supply flow type, as it's being a forward flow, whereas for the rest of 3 flow types, it is descending.
  • Fitting No. — Displays the fitting number, labelled or numbered in a sequence for the fittings in the section.
  • Duct Element — Displays the duct element labels, e.g. Duct, Fittings or Opening. When summary table is viewed using the Group by: Duct Element, a single click in the column heading toggles the sort order once. Clicking in the cell or simply a mouse hover displays flyover listing the fitting components in the highlighted Fittings group (and Note, if any was added to the Duct or Opening cell). These sub-fittings are mapped and assigned component types when populated in the Fitting Loss Coefficient Summary (FLC) table.

  • Airflow (unit: cfm, L/s) — Displays the value of air flow for the duct segment in the section. The value is editable. Prior to calculating, usually the required airflow values are set at the openings like diffusers in the system. When routing, the Air Flow property associated components at outlet (Diffuser, Grilles etc.) can be set via the Parameters in the Place Component dialog.
  • Duct Size (unit: inch, mm) — Displays the calculated size dimension of the duct. The Width x Height in case of rectangular ducts and the Diameter for a round duct. Double clicking in the field opens a drop-down list of options of alternate dimension, and can be selected that matches the actual size. Right-click and check the Lock option, if needs to keep one of the sides or both sides dimension or the diameter constant in computing.
  • Velocity (unit: fpm, m/s) — Displays the derived value of velocity of flow in the section. Click to edit the value if required or right-click and check the Lock option, if needs to be kept constant in computing. These values are kept within the Limit Duct Velocity and controlling the noise level.
  • Velocity Pressure (unit: in wg, Pa) — Displays the velocity pressure computed for the duct section fittings for a given velocity.
  • Duct Length (unit: ft, m) — Displays the actual length of the duct used in the section.
  • Summary of FLC — Lists the value of fitting loss coefficient for the fittings in the section row. Double clicking in the column heading or in the Fittings cell opens the Flow Loss Coefficient Summary dialog. The FLC Summary dialog displays the loss coefficient values of duct component fittings in each section and total loss coefficient value for the section are listed. The FLC summary table also lists Parameters used in the loss calculations.
  • Correction Factor — Displays correction factor for the duct elements. For ducts and openings the correction factor is ideally set to 1, however can be overwritten to alter the pressure loss. Correction factors for fittings are maintained in FLC summary table.
  • Duct Pressure Loss (unit: in wg/100ft. Pa/m) — Displays pressure loss value. Applicable only for ducts. It can be altered to suit optimum duct sizing. Right-click and check the Lock option, if needs to keep the pressure loss value for the duct section be unchanged in the calculation. The friction resistance in flow accounts in pressure loss and the system is ideally aimed to control these values at a minimum throughout the flow paths.
  • Total Pressure Loss (unit: in wg, Pa) — Displays the value of pressure loss in the total ducts and duct fittings in the section. For ducts, the default value is computed as the value of Duct Pressure Loss/100 x Duct Length. The mouse hover for ducts reads it as "Duct Length*Duct Pressure Loss* Correction Factor". For Openings, it is the Outlet Pressure property value set for the Parameters in the Place Component dialog, and for Fittings it is based on Loss Coefficient value managed in FLC Summary table.
    Note: For a more exact calculation using Duct Sizing, all loss coefficients should be entered. This includes loss coefficient values for Opening type components (diffusers, registers, etc.) that can be found in manufacturer's catalog data sheets. This value should be entered in the corresponding Datagroup property Outlet Pressure of the opening type component.
  • Section Pressure Loss (unit: in wg, Pa) — Displays the value of pressure loss in each duct element. The cumulative pressure loss for a duct section is displayed as Summary of Section Pressure Loss when viewed Group By: Duct Section.
  • Details — For each row the Details column opens a pull up panel detailing the values of Viscosities, Reynolds Number and Constant Loss for the selected duct section/element and additionally the Holding Velocity for the main duct.

    This is read only data handy for a quick review. Clicking [x] closes the panel.
Calculate Calculates the duct sizing by internally computing the flow rate, velocity parameters against the physical dimension of duct and fittings lay in the system. Values altered in FLC Summary table and overrides, if any are reflected in the calculation.

The critical route path report pops up indicating the path numbers of critical path and the value of pressure drop. The number in the left side indicates the path numbers and the numbers in the right side indicate section numbers and the resultant pressure drop. The pressure drop value is significant for paths having considerable resistance to flow. Clicking OK dismisses the pop up dialog and the critical path is highlighted in the geometry. The corresponding section rows in the table also highlighted in different color shade. Activated Calculate button turns , and remains animated until you click OK on the Critical Route Path pop up.
Note: Ensure a non-zero air flow values are set to all Openings prior to calculate or generating any reports.
Rebuild Enabled after Calculation. Rebuilds the active system for altered parameters set in the duct system, including dimensions of duct fittings in the duct sections. This is done to achieve a desired Flow Loss Coefficient value. The geometry and properties associated with the duct system are subjected to change in the rebuild.
  • Write to Model — Alterations to duct elements after the calculations are written back to respective duct fittings in the loaded system. This will help to construct an ideal prototype of standard fittings of desired values that can be shared across designs in different projects.
  • Promote to 3D — Enabled for single line routes. Rebuild the system with revised values after the calculations and promotes the single line schematic to 3D model. When promoted, the critical route path report pops ups again ideally with same result of pressure drop value. The host system remains loaded until the Duct Sizing is unloaded. A copy of single line model is preserved by adding a prefix sl to the filename, <Filename>-sl.dgn in the same path that of your DGN.
Activated Rebuild button turns , and remains animated until the rebuild (either Write to Model or Promote to 3D) command is executing. Mismatch in the resized fittings, if any, may cause disconnects and you will be alerted with the View Disconnects dialog. You can locate and delete disconnected center lines and revise the route for reloading the system.
Settings Opens Duct Sizing - Settings dialog where design data, size criteria, and reporting options are set.
Reports Provides options to generate duct sizing reports in different standards.
  • ASHRAE — Generates a report of duct sizing where duct element and their computed values are confined to ASHRAE standards.
  • SMACNA — Generates duct sizing report in SMACNA standards covering additional information, such as Equivalent Dia, Friction per 100ft, and Cumulative pressure loss.
  • Check List — Generates a report that lists all duct elements in the system, their sizes and values of flow parameters. This type of report is helpful in process where computed values and intermediate result of duct sizing in the form of report can be shared with expert authority for approval or advice.
  • Sections:
    • All — Generates the duct sizing report showing the effect of critical path along the sections in the model. The list of path pressure loss is shown in descending order.
    • Critical Path — Generates the duct sizing report specific to the critical section needing revaluation. This option adds a suggestive note in the footer of the report (e.g. Required Fan Duty) that hints in resolving the critical pressure loss.
Reports are compiled and printed in a predefined style (as defined in Duct Size Settings, Reporting Options). Generated reports can be viewed online, and using the report toolbar manipulated interactively or exported to a different format.
Key-in: MDL LOAD Bentley.Building.Mechanical.DuctSizing.dll