OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Insulation/Lining Settings

Used to apply insulation and lining to specific system paths or a portion of the system for components based on service type based on the service type. The insulation-lining template of symbology settings defines and updates the model with insulation and lining on a system wide scale.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Mechanical > Place Mechanical Systems > Insulate Route

The dialog opens only after a component in a system in the view is selected.
Path Settings Contains option to select a system and one or all paths and components in the system of a route to assign system IDs for the selected path. A routing may comprise more than one systems and each system may have multiple paths.
  • System — Displays the system number of the default route element being selected when the tool is invoked. Click to set the system to other available number in the list or set it to All.
  • Path — Lists the default path in the selected system. You can select other path number or All paths in the route.
  • Component — Lists the components in the current path. By default All components are selected. However, you can select a component number unless System and Path are set not set to All.
When the System is set to All, the path and components automatically set to All. Similarly for All path, the components are set to All.
Symbology Settings
  • Use Insulation-Lining Template — When checked, allows selecting system and the insulation-lining template.
    • Select System – Enabled service types are:
      • Supply air
      • Fresh air
      • Return air
      • Exhaust air
    • Insulation-Lining Template – Selecting one of the available templates from the list, assigns the insulation and lining material and values apply to the system.
    When the Use Template is unchecked, the following settings are enabled:
    • Insulation Thickness — Key in a thickness for insulation.
    • Lining Thickness — Key in a thickness for lining.
    Use the up/down arrow buttons in the value field to increment/decrement the value by 1. Units are the same as those populated in the DataGroup Properties seen in the Parameters on Place Components dialog.
    • Insulation Material — Select a material from the drop list provided.
    • Lining Material — Select a material from the drop list provided.
  • Use Insulation Part Settings — When checked, allows selecting insulation part and family from the pull-down. Disabled when Insulation-Lining Template is set.
    • Insulation Part – Opens a combo pull-down for setting part and family values.
    • Color | Line Weight | Line Style | Level Name — Key in a symbology value that assign the color, line weight, style properties for lining and insulation name of the level.

    The values are the same as those populated in the DataGroup Properties seen in the Parameters on Place Components dialog.

Apply Applies symbology settings to selected paths of the route.