OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Auto Size Options

AutoSize Options are used to automatically size a device or fitting based on some key dimensional properties. The AutoSize property is found in the HVAC discipline's diffusers and inline devices.
  • AutoSize Options – for Diffusers.
  • AutoSize Options – for Inline Devices.

To activate the context menu option, position the pointer in the value field of the AutoSize Options property in the Data Group Properties panel, and in the value field select the pull down menu options. The AutoSize dialog opens.

Dialog options set the behavior of the Auto Size property.

Options - HVAC diffusers

  • Grille Options — Grille types can be selected here.
    • Grille Type — lists grille types, a grille types selection enables/disables applicable group settings.
      • Mesh – enables Mesh settings group.
      • Bars – enables Others settings group.
      • BarSlots – enables Others settings group.
      • 4Way – enables 4Way settings group.
      • Star – enables Others settings group.
      • RectSlots – enables Others settings group.
  • Mesh — Sets mesh grille parameters.
    • Horizontal Spacing h — sets lateral spacings in Mesh grilles, in a numeric value.
    • Vertical Spacing v — sets vertical spacings in Mesh grilles, in a numeric value.
  • 4Way — Sets 4-way grille parameters.
    • Horizontal Spacing nh — sets horizontal slots in 4Way grilles, in an integer value.
    • Vertical Spacing nv — sets vertical slots in 4Way grilles, in an integer value.
    • Thickness t — sets the thickness of the bar in each slot, in numeric value.
  • Others — Sets other categories grilles parameters.
    • Number of slotsn — sets number of slots in grilles, in an integer value.
    • Thickness t — sets the thickness of the bar in each slot, in numeric value.
OK — Applies Auto Size settings. It will reflect in DataGroup Instance Data panel as a string (example, mesh:h=4;v=4/4way:nh=5;nv=5;t=0.5/others:n=5;t=0.5).
Options - HVAC Equipment and Inline Devices Auto Size options in Damper, Filter, Fans etc.
  • Body Type Options — Body types can be selected here.
    • Box Size – Sets device enclosure's height and width offsets when it is larger than the end connection dimensions or if an asymmetrical device is desired.
      • Box Delta Height – sets the height for device box, in numeric value.
      • Box Delta Width – sets the width for device box, in numeric value.
    • Equal Ends – Sets both ends equal in size.
    • Symmetric – Sets device enclosure and dampers to be symmetrical.