OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Batch Convert Dialog

Used to convert individual files, or entire directories of files, from any of the OpenBuildings™ Station Designer DGN file formats to any other supported format.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: File > Tools > Batch Converter

New Batch Convert Job

Opens the Save Batch Convert Job File dialog, which lets you create a new batch convert job file. Before you can create the job, you must choose the files that will be converted (use Add Files or Directories to Convert, or drag files from Windows Explorer).
Note: The controls are analogous to those in the Open dialog.
Open Batch Convert Job

Opens the Open Batch Convert Job File dialog, which lets you open an existing job file to use for the batch conversion.
Note: The controls are analogous to those in the Open dialog.
Save Batch Convert Job

Saves the selected items in the Conversion Tasks list to a batch convert job file. If you have not created this file, the Save Batch Convert Job File dialog opens to let you create it.
Add Files or Directories to Convert

Opens the Select Files and Directories to Convert dialog.

Select Files and Directories to Convert dialog, fully expanded

Select the directories or files to be converted, then click Add. The specifications for the selected directories or files are listed in the Selected Files list box.

If you change your mind about a previously selected directory or file, select it in this list box, and click Remove.

Note: You can use the drag-and-drop functionality to add files from Windows Explorer to the Conversion Tasks list box in the Batch Convert dialog. Files that are dragged into the list box are inserted in the list between the rows in which you drop them.
Remove Files

Removes selected files from the Conversion Tasks list.
Process Batch Convert Job

Opens the Files to Convert dialog, which lists all files to be converted.

Click Convert to start the conversion process.

The Convert button label automatically changes to "Pause," and the Status column identifies the file being converted. Click Pause to pause processing after the current file. Processing never stops in the middle of converting a file. Click Continue to restart processing.

When processing is complete, the Pause button label changes to "Done."

Process Selection Only If on, only selected files or directories in the Conversion Tasks list will be processed in the batch conversion. If off, all files in the list will be processed.
Default Output Format Sets the default file format for the output of the conversion.
Default Destination Identifies the path to the destination directory for the converted files.
Apply to Selection Applies the Default Output Format and Default Destination settings to the files selected in the Conversion Tasks list.
Conversion Tasks Lists the files that will be processed during batch conversion. This list also includes the output format and destination selected for each file. You can modify the Conversion Tasks list in the following ways:
  • The order in which the tasks will be processed is indicated by the sequence number column (which has the heading "#"). The task list can be sorted by any of the columns, but the Edit menu items that modify the order are enabled only when sorting by the "#" column in ascending order.
  • In the File column, you can add the wildcard string *\ to the end of a directory to indicate that subdirectories will be included.
  • In the File column, you can designate that specific file types in the subdirectories will be included. For example, to process all files with the extension .dgn from directory c:\projects\ and its subdirectories, you would edit the entry to read c:\projects\*\*.dgn.
  • To modify the Output Format setting for a task, click on and modify the setting in the Conversion Tasks list.
  • To modify the Destination setting for a task, click on and modify the setting in the Conversion Tasks list.
File > New This command is identical to the New Batch Convert Job icon.
File > Open This command is identical to the Open Batch Convert Job icon.
File > Save This command is identical to the Save Batch Convert Job icon.
File > Save As Opens the Save Batch Convert Job File dialog, which lets you save the current batch convert job file with a new name.
Note: The controls are analogous to those in the Save As dialog (File > Save As).
File > Process This command is identical to the Process Batch Convert Job icon.
File > Exit Closes the Batch Convert dialog. You may be prompted to save the conversion tasks to a batch convert job file.
Edit > Add Files This command is identical to the Add Files or Directories to Convert icon.
Edit > Add Active File Adds the active DGN or DWG file to the list of files and directories to convert.
Edit > Remove Files This command is identical to the Remove Files icon.
Edit > DWG Open Options Opens the DWG/DXF Open Options dialog. When you select a DWG file for batch processing, these settings will be applied.
Edit > DWG Save Options Opens the Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog. When you set the Default Output Format to DWG or DXF, these settings will be applied.
Edit > V8 Save Options Opens the Save As V8 Options dialog. When you set the Default Output Format to V8, these settings will be applied.
Edit > V7 Save Options Opens the Save As V7 Options dialog. When you set the Default Output Format to V7, these settings will be applied.
Edit > Log File Options Opens the Log Files dialog, which sets options for the log file generated during batch processing.

Edit > Move Files to Top Moves selected files in the Conversion Tasks list to the top of the list.
Edit > Move Files Up Moves selected files in the Conversion Tasks list up one position in the list.
Note: When files are sorted in ascending order on the # column, you can drag one or more files in the list box to the required location.
Edit > Move Files Down Moves selected files in the Conversion Tasks list down one position in the list.
Note: When files are sorted in ascending order on the # column, you can drag one or more files in the list box to the required location.
Edit > Move Files to Bottom Moves selected files in the Conversion Tasks list to the bottom of the list.