OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

End 1 Details tab

Contains settings that specify details about the first end of the bar joist you are modeling. Enter values for seat height, seat bearing and chord extensions. A schematic diagram of a bar joist end configuration is provided as a reference.

End 1: Contains settings that determine the configuration at the bar joist's first bearing end.
  • Seat Height — Determines the vertical offset distance between the bearing seat member to the top edge or surface of the top chord.
  • Seat Bearing (SB) — Determines the length of the seat bearing member which rests on the support member/element.
  • Top Chord (TXC) — Determines the distance the top chord extends beyond the seat bearing point (labeled “TCX” in the diagram).
  • Bottom Chord (BXC) — Determines the distance the bottom chord extends inside the seat bearing point (labeled “BCX” in the diagram). Although editable, the BCX value is initially determined by the SJI standards data for the selected series code.
  • End Condition - Sets how the end of the joist is constructed.
    • Steel End — Select this option if this end will be modeled on a steel end.
    • Wall End — Select this option if this end will be modeled on a wall end.
Note: The SJI (Steel Joist Institute) publishes standards for bar joists. One portion of the standards describes minimum seat heights. The Bar Joist Modeling tool automatically performs a SJI code check based on the standards. If seat heights do not respect the guidelines, yellow warning icons are displayed next to the Place button and at the bottom of the dialog.
End 1 Support Member Contains information and settings related to the support member at end 1. These settings are only enabled when the bar joist is associated to a Structural member. Member association occurs when the bar joist is placed using the place multiple mode.
  • Local Y Offset — Displays the local Y-axis offset of the end 1 support member.
  • Local Z Offset — Displays the local Z-axis offset of the end 1 support member.
  • New — Enabled for the Modify Joist Mode. Click to select a new end 1 support member. The new member's section and local offset information is automatically updated.
  • Flash — Enabled for the Modify Joist Mode. Click to momentarily change the display of the support member. Used when the supporting member is visually difficult to identify.