OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Animator Preview

Used to preview an existing animation and to add key frames.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Visualization > Animate > Control
  • Toolbox: Animation Settings

In the Animation Settings dialog, turn on Display Time in View to display the date and time in the Animator Preview window during the preview of an animation.

Scroll bar Lets you quickly scroll through the animation sequence, forwards or backwards. Also may be used to set a time/frame number for creating key frames.
Create key frame for selected elements

After selecting the required elements, clicking this icon automatically creates a key frame at the selected time/frame number and adds it to the Animation Producer dialog.

By default, these key frames are given system names. If required, you can turn on the Prompt For Keyframe Name setting in the Animation Settings dialog. With this setting enabled, you are prompted for a key frame name via the Create KeyFrame dialog.

Time/frame field Updates to display the time/frame as you play or scroll through the sequence. Additionally, you can key in a value to set the sequence at a particular time or frame number.
View Option menu that lets you choose a preview view from any of the open views.

Sets the sequence back to the starting time or frame.

Starts playing the animation sequence in the preview view.
Pause Animation

Stops the animation at the current time or frame number. To restart the sequence, click the Pause icon a second time, or click the Play icon.

Sets the sequence to the end time or frame.
General Settings

Opens the Animation Settings dialog.
Note: If a V8 DGN created in a version of OpenBuildings™ Station Designer prior to V8 XM Edition has animation actors defined and is then previewed in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer V8 XM Edition or V8i, those actors will not be backwards compatible with previous versions of OpenBuildings™ Station Designer. An Alert box warns you of this, and gives you the option to cancel if you do not want to upgrade the animation.