OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Add Nodal Load

Used to add an analytical load to a node. By default, you must be in an analytical view to see these members. If you have defined your load styles so that they appear in a physical view, the load data will appear in any view.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Structural > Structural Analysis > Add Nodal Load

For load case data to export to an external analysis program, it must be Active in the Load Case Manager. For it to display in the model, the Display column must be active in the Load Case Manger.

Load Type Select the type of load to place upon the node.
  • Force
  • Moment
Load Case Select the load case. Load cases are established using the Load Case Manager dialog. The default name of the load case.
Magnitude Enter the magnitude of the load. If you enter a negative number, the load is understood to go in the negative of the Direction you select.
Direction Select the direction of the load.
  • Global X
  • Global Y
  • Global Z
  • User
For User direction, the X,Y and Z coordinates appear in respective fields.
Key-in: strload add nodal