OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Place Single Fixture

Used to place single ceiling fixtures, one at a time, in a reflected ceiling grid. The fixture displays dynamically during placement and can be placed at any location with a data point.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Architectural > Place Architectural Elements > Fixtures > Single Fixture

Place By Sets the ceiling fixture placement method. After a fixture is placed, each additional fixtures are placed by the active distance.
  • Point — Places the ceiling fixture (cell origin) on a point identified by a data point, anywhere in the selected ceiling grid.
  • Two Point — Places the ceiling fixture (cell origin) halfway between two points identified by data points, anywhere in the selected ceiling grid.
  • Reference — Places the ceiling fixture (cell origin) at a specified distance from a reference point. In essence, the ceiling fixture is attached to the reference point by the specified distance. Additional ceiling grids are placed by the active distance from the active reference point.
Distance field Enabled when Place By method is set to Reference. Sets the ceiling grid placement distance from the active reference point.
Offset Sets the ceiling fixture placement point offset mode for each fixture. The offset mode causes the placement point (controlled by the pointer) to change position. The offset does not change the position of the cell origin (which remains the same in every instance).
  • Top Left — Dynamically places the ceiling fixture to the top left of the placement point.
  • Top Center — Dynamically places the ceiling fixture to the top center of the placement point.
  • Top Right — Dynamically places the ceiling fixture to the top right of the placement point.
  • Center Left — Dynamically places the ceiling fixture to the center left of the placement point.
  • Center — Dynamically places the ceiling fixture centered upon the placement point.
  • Center Right — Dynamically places the ceiling fixture to the center right of the placement point.
  • Bottom Left — Dynamically places the ceiling fixture to the bottom left of the placement point.
  • Bottom Center — Dynamically places the ceiling fixture to the bottom center of the placement point.
  • Bottom Right — Dynamically places the ceiling fixture to the bottom right of the placement point.
Elevation Sets the ceiling fixture elevation mode.
  • Space Height — Places the ceiling fixture at the active space height elevation.
  • Active Depth — Places the ceiling fixture at active depth elevation.
  • User Defined — Places the ceiling fixture at a user defined elevation.
    • User Defined field – Enabled for User Defined Elevation mode is set to. Sets the User Defined Elevation value.
  • Active Floor/Reference Plane — Places the fixture on the active Floor Reference Plane/ACS, as defined in the Floor Manager.
Active Fixture cell menu Sets the active ceiling fixture cell. The active cell is displayed in the adjacent Active Fixture preview box.
Active Fixture preview box Displays the active ceiling fixture cell. The active cell is selected in the adjacent Active Fixture cell menu.
Match/Modify Settings are used to match, replace and modify fixtures.
  • Match — Sets active settings to match the selected existing fixture. The selected fixture displays in the Active Fixture preview box. Subsequent newly placed fixtures match the first fixture selected after Match is pressed.
  • Replace — This setting converts the Place Single Ceiling Fixture tool to a single-shot Replace Fixture command. The properties of existing ceiling fixtures are modified to the active settings. The Replace Fixture command is automatically active when a selection set exists (when the Place Single Ceiling Fixture tool icon is selected). In this instance, a Reset converts the tool back to Place Single Ceiling Fixture.
Note: Use the Replace Ceiling command to change the elevation of ceilings. Ceilings cannot be copied, moved, or scaled.
Note: BB FIXTURES MATCH is a function of the Match button. BB FIXTURES REPLACE is a function of the Replace button.