P. Check Regularity in Plan dialog

Displays the results of the following checks for the main three plan regularity conditions set out in EC-8:

  1. Checks for re-entrant corners in floor slabs

    The program performs checks on each floor slab and reports whether the condition set out in EC-8 for re-entrant corners has been satisfied.

  2. Check for slenderness of structure

    The program calculates a slenderness ratio for the structure based on the maximum dimensions on plan and reports whether the EC-8 criteria are satisfied.

  3. Checks for torsional radius

    The program calculates the torsional radius for each floor and checks against the conditions set out in EC-8. These are summarized in the Check Regularity in Plan dialog and the Torsional Radius Check table will display details.

Opens when the Eurocode 8 | Plan Regularity page is selected.