D8.E.3 Design Parameters

The program contains a number of parameters which are needed to perform design as per IS:456 2000.  Default parameter values have been selected such that they are frequently used numbers for conventional design requirements. These values may be changed to suit the particular design being performed. The following table contains a complete list of the available parameters and their default values. It is necessary to declare length and force units as millimeter and Newton before performing the concrete design.
Table 1. Indian Concrete Design IS456 2000 Parameters
Parameter Name Default Value Description

Must be specified as INDIAN.

Design code to follow. See TR.53.2 Concrete Design-Parameter Specification.


Column bracing condition:

  • correspond to the terms Bracedand Unbraced described in Notes 1, 2, and 3 of Clause 39.7.1 of IS456:2000.
  • 0) The column is braced about both axes.
  • 1) The column is unbraced about major axis.
  • 2) The column is unbraced about minor axis.
  • 3) The column is unbraced about both axis.
CLB 25 mm The clear cover for the bottom stirrups or ties in beams. When specified, the clear cover to the main reinforcement is the CLB + stirrup diameter.

If both CLEAR and CLB parameters are specified, the CLEAR value is used.

See also Note e below.


30 mm (beams)

40 mm (columns)

The clear distance between to the main member reinforcement.

See also Note e below.

CLT 25 mm The clear cover for the top stirrups or ties in beams. When specified, the clear cover to the main reinforcement is the CLT + stirrup diameter.

See also Note e below.

DEPTH YD Total depth to be used for design. This value defaults to YD as provided under MEMBER PROPERTIES.

Face of support location at end of beam. The parameter can also be used to check against shear at any point from the end of the member.

ELZ 1.0 Ratio of effective length to actual length of column about major axis. See Note b below.
ELY 1.0 Ratio of effective length to actual length of column about minor axis. See Note b below.
ENSH 0.0

Perform shear check against enhanced shear strength as per Cl. 40.5 of IS456:2000.

  • ENSH = 1.0 means ordinary shear check to be performed ( no enhancement of shear strength at sections close to support)
  • For ENSH = a positive value(say x ), shear strength will be enhanced up to a distance x from the start of the member. This is used only when a span of a beam is subdivided into two or more parts. (Refer note )
  • For ENSH = a negative value(say –y), shear strength will be enhanced up to a distance y from the end of the member. This is used only when a span of a beam is subdivided into two or more parts.(Refer note)

If default value (0.0) is used the program will calculate Length to Overall Depth ratio. If this ratio is greater than 2.5, shear strength will be enhanced at sections (<2d) close to support otherwise ordinary shear check will be performed.

FC 30 N/mm2 Concrete Yield Stress.
FYMAIN 415 N/mm2 Yield Stress for main reinforcing steel.
FYSEC 415 N/mm2 Yield Stress for secondary reinforcing steel.
MINMAIN 10 mm Minimum main reinforcement bar size.
MAXMAIN 60 mm Maximum main reinforcement bar size.
MINSEC 8 mm Minimum secondary reinforcement bar size.
MAXSEC 12 mm Maximum secondary reinforcement bar size.
METHOD 0 Consider minimum eccentricity one axis at a time:
  • 0) Do not consider
  • 1) Consider as per Cl 25.4 of IS 456:2000

Design beam for flexure at any point along the length of the beam as specified by SFACE and EFACE parameters.

  • 0) (Off) Do not design at sections
  • 1) (On) Design at specified sections from start and end of the members assigned.
RATIO 4.0 Maximum percentage of longitudinal reinforcement in columns.
REINF 0.0 Tied column. A value of 1.0 will mean spiral reinforcement.
RENSH 0.0 Distance of the start or end point of the member from its nearest support. This parameter is used only when a span of a beam is subdivided into two or more parts. (Refer note)
  • 2) Two faced distribution about major axis.
  • 3) Two faced distribution about minor axis.
  • 4) Longitudinal reinforcement in column is arranged equally along 4 faces.
SFACE 0.0 Face of support location at start of beam. It is used to check against shear at the face of the support in beam design. The parameter can also be used to check against shear at any point from the start of the member.
SPSMAIN 25 mm Minimum clear distance between main reinforcing bars in beam and column. For column center to center distance between main bars cannot exceed 300 mm.
  • 0) torsion to be considered in beam design.
  • 1) torsion to be neglected in beam design.
Specify the level of detail in the output:
  • 0) Beam and Column Design - Minimum details
  • 1) Beam Design - Intermediate level details; Column Design - TRACK 0 detail and column interaction
  • 2) Beam Design - TRACK 1 detail and steel required at 1/12th sections; Column Design - TRACK 1 detail and interaction diagram
ULY 1.0 Ratio of unsupported length to actual length of column about minor axis. See Note c below.
ULZ 1.0 Ratio of unsupported length to actual length of column about major axis. See Note c below.
WIDTH ZD Width to be used for design. This value defaults to ZD as provided under MEMBER PROPERTIES.


  1. You may specify reinforcing bar combinations through the BAR COMBINATION command. Refer to D8.E.7 Bar Combination for details.
  2. ELY and ELZ parameters are used to calculate effective length of column to find whether it is a short or long column. Please refer CL 25.1.2 of IS456:2000.

    In CL 25.1.2 of IS456:2000, you will find two term, lex and ley, which STAAD.Pro calculates as:

    • lex = ELZ multiplied by the member length (distance between the two nodes of the member)
    • ley = ELY multiplied by the member length (distance between the two nodes of the member)

    For the term "D" in CL 25.1.2 of IS456:2000, STAAD.Pro uses the YD dimension of the column.

    For the term "b" in CL 25.1.2 of IS456:2000, STAAD.Pro uses the ZD dimension of the column.

  3. ULY and ULZ parameters are used to calculate unsupported length of column to find minimum eccentricity. Please refer CL 25.4 of IS456:2000.

    In CL 25.4 of IS456:2000, you will find an expression "unsupported length of column". This term is calculated as

    • ULZ multiplied by the member length for the Z axis
    • ULY multiplied by the member length for the Y axis
  4. The value of the ENSH parameter (other than 0.0 and 1.0) is used only when the span of a beam is subdivided into two or more parts. When this condition occurs, the RENSH parameter is also to be used.

    The span of the beam is subdivided four parts, each of length L meter. The shear strength will be enhanced up to X meter from both supports. The input should be the following:


    1. ENSH L MEMB 1  =>      Shear strength will be enhanced throughout the length of the member 1, positive sign indicates length measured from start of the member
    2. ENSH (X-L) MEMB 2 => Shear strength will be enhanced up to a length (X-L) of the member 2, length measured from the start of the member
    3. ENSH –L MEMB 4 =>     Shear strength will be enhanced throughout the length of the member 4, negative sign indicates length measured from end of the member
    4. ENSH –(X-L) MEMB 3 => Shear strength will be enhanced up to a length (X-L) of the member 3, length measured from the end of the member
    5. RENSH L MEMB 2 3  => Nearest support lies at a distance L from both the members 2 and 3.
    6. DESIGN BEAM 1 TO 4=> This will enhance the shear strength up to length X from both ends of the beam consisting of members 1 to 4 and gives spacing accordingly.

    At section = y1 from start of member 1 av = y1

    At section = y2 from the start of member 2 av = y2+L

    At section = y3 from the end of member 3 av = y3+L

    At section = y4 from end of member 4 av = y4

    where tc, enhanced = 2dtc/av

    At section 0.0, av becomes zero. Thus enhanced shear strength will become infinity. However for any section shear stress cannot exceed tc, max. Hence enhanced shear strength is limited to a maximum value of tc, max.

  5. The values from CLB, CLEAR, and CLT parameters will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5 mm for use in the design.