D8.A.2.6 Bending

The design bending moment capacity of a section is primarily dependent on whether the member is laterally supported or unsupported.

You can control the lateral support condition of the member by the use of LAT parameter. The type of member (i.e., cantilever, simply supported, or general) is specified using the CAN parameter.

If the member is laterally supported, then the design strength is calculated as per the provisions of the section 8.2.1 of IS 800:2007, based on the following factors:

  • Whether section with webs susceptible to shear buckling before yielding
  • Ratio of shear force to design shear strength
  • Section classification

If the member is laterally unsupported, then the design strength is calculated as per the provisions of the section 8.2.2 of IS 800:2007, based on the following factors:

  • Lateral Torsional Buckling
  • Section Classification

Laterally unsupported sections of a solid rod are considered as laterally supported as mentioned in Cl. 8.2.2(b). The plastic moment of inertia, Zp , is calculated as D3/6.

Working Stress Design

Actual bending stress values are given by, about major (Z) and minor (Y) axes, respectively:

fbcz = Mz/Zecz fbtz = Mz/Zetz fbcy = My/Zecy fbty = My/Zety

The permissible bending stress is given as follows:

  1. For laterally supported beams:

    • Fabc = Fabt = 0.66·Fy for Plastic or Compact sections
    • Fabc = Fabt = 0.60·Fy for Semi-compact sections
    Yield strength of steel, indicated by the FYLD parameter.
  2. For laterally unsupported beams:

    1. About the major axis:

      fabcz = 0.60·Md/Zecz
      fabtz = 0.60·Md/Zetz
      Design Bending Strength as per Clause 8.2.2
      = βb · Zpz · fbd
      χLT · Fy / γmo
      Elastic Section Modulus of the Section
      Plastic Section Modulus of the Section
      0.21 for Rolled Steel Section and 0.49 for Welded Steel Section
      1.0 for Plastic and Compact Section or Zez/Zpz for Semi-Compact Section
      Non-dimensional slenderness ratio
      b · Zpz · Fy / Mcr)1/2 ≤ (1.2 · Zez · Fy / Mcr )1/2
      0.5 · ( 1 + αLT · ( λLT – 0.2 ) + λLT 2)
      The Bending Stress Reduction Factor to account for Lateral Torsional Buckling
      Elastic Section Modulus of the section about Major Axis for the compression side
      Elastic Section Modulus of the section about Major Axis for the tension side
      Moment of inertia about the minor axis
      Effective length for lateral torsional buckling as determined using either the KX or LX parameters
      Torsional constant of the section
      Warping constant of the section
      Shear modulus of the material
    2. About the minor axis, the permissible bending stress is calculated as for a laterally supported section.

Slender Sections

For member with slender section subjected to bending, moment is taken by flanges alone. Design bending strength should be calculated with effective elastic modulus disregarding the contribution of web of the section.

Zez = 2·[Bf · tf 3/12 + (Bf · tf) · (D/2 - tf/2)2 )] ⁄ (0.5 · D)Zey = 2·(Bf · tf 3/12) ⁄ (0.5 · Bf)


Elastic Section modulus about major principal axis
Elastic Section modulus about minor principal axis
Width of flange
thickness of flange
Overall depth of section

The Moment Capacity will be Md = Ze· fym0 for Laterally Supported condition.

The Moment Capacity will be Md = Ze· fbdm0 for Laterally Un-Supported condition.

Where, fbd is defined in clause 8.2.2 of IS:800-2007 (described in previous Working Stress Design section).