D5.A.5.2 Members Subject to Bending Moments

The cross section capacity of a member subject to bending is checked as per Cl .6.2.5 of the code. The condition to be satisfied is:


the is the design resistance given by:
  • for class 1 and 2 cross-sections
  • for class 3 cross-sections
  • for class 4 cross-sections

Cross sectional bending capacity checks will be done for both major and minor axis bending moments.

Members subject to major axis bending will also be checked for lateral-torsional buckling resistance as per Section 6.3.2 of the code. The design buckling resistance moment Mb,Rd will be calculated as:


the reduction factor for lateral-torsional buckling. This reduction factor is evaluated per Cl. or Cl of the EN 1993 code depending on the section type. For I sections, the program will by default use Cl. to evaluate χLT and for all other sections the program will resort to Cl However, if a particular National Annex has been specified, the program will check if the National Annex expands on Cl. (Table 6.5) to include sections other than I sections. If so, the program will use Cl. for the cross-section(s) included in Cl. (or Table 6.5). For all other cases the program will use Cl.

When using Cl. to calculate χLT, the program will consider the correction factor kc (Table 6.6 of EN 1993-1-1:2006) based on the value of the KC parameter in the design input. By default the value of KC will be taken as 1.0. If you want the program to calculate kc, you must explicitly set the value of the KC parameter to zero.

The non-dimensional slenderness λ LT (used to evaluate χLT) for both the above cases is evaluated as:


the elastic critical moment for lateral-torsional buckling. EN 1993-1-1 does not however specify a method to evaluate Mcr. Hence, the program will make use of the method specified in Annex F of DD ENV 1993-1-1 to evaluate Mcr by default.

D5.A.5.2.1 Tapered Members

EN 1993-1-1 provides multiple methods for checking against lateral-torsional buckling in members with tapered I-shaped sections. The method given in Annex BB 3.2 of EN 1993-1-1 is used by STAAD.Pro. This method checks the unbraced length between lateral and torsional restraints against a calculated maximum length to ensure lateral-torsional stability. The tapered member is sub-divided into thirteen (13) analytical sections and bending design checks, including these for lateral-torsional buckling, are performed at each sub-section. While this approach is conservative for elastic analysis, it is necessary for plastic analysis.

The stable length between lateral restraints, Lm , is calculated as follows. This value must be greater than or equal to the design parameter LY.

((Eqn. BB.5))


the radius of gyration about the major axis ( notation iz in EN 1993-1-1)
design value of compression force in the member
cross-sectional area of the member
plastic section modulus of the member
torsional constant
yield strength
a factor depending on loading and end conditions; taken , where kc is taken from the KC parameter.

The stable length between torsional restraints, Ls , is calculated as follows. This value must be greater than or equal to the design parameter EFT.

((Eqn. BB.12))((Eqn. BB.14))((Eqn. BB.15))((Eqn. BB6))((Eqn. BB.16))


modification factor for non-linear moment gradient
((Eqn. BB.14))
moment ratio calculated at ends, quarter points, and mid-point of member segment between torsional restraints, calculated as:
((Eqn. BB.15))

and R1 is taken from the largest web depth.

design bending moment about the Y axis
the distanced between the centroid of the member and the centroid of the restraining members (e.g., purlins).
stable length between adjacent torsional restraints
((Eqn. BB6))

and is taken from the shallowest web depth.

modulus of elasticity
taper factor:
((Eqn. BB.16))
depth of segment
thickness of the flange
hmax , hmin
the maximum and minimum depth of the cross-section within the length, Ly (LY), respectively.