STAAD.Pro Help

Nodes table

Used to display a table of nodes with coordinates for adding and editing nodes. The table may also be used to highlight the node on the graphical view of the structure.

The Nodes table lists the node numbers and their coordinates. This table can be used to define new nodes and edit existing node-coordinates. If we click on a node number in this table, the node gets highlighted in the table as well as in the structure view..

Opens when the Geometry page is selected in the Analytical Modeling workflow.

Node Lists the node numbers in numerical order. 
X The X coordinates of the nodes in the currently selected unit. Changing this immediately changes the X-coordinate of the node in the graphical display also.
Y The Y coordinates of the nodes in the currently selected unit. Changing this immediately changes the Y-coordinate of the node in the graphical display also.
Z The Z coordinates of the nodes in the currently selected unit. Changing this immediately changes the Z-coordinate of the node in the graphical display also.