STAAD.Pro Help

Space Frame File Generation dialog

Used to specify analytical model settings, building details, and load cases to use for a STAAD input file (file extension .std) generated from the 3D building frame in Building Planner.

Dialog Controls

Settings group
Diaphragm Action
Check this option to include a diaphragm definition in the analysis model. Select the method to use for defining the diaphragm:
  • Control - Dependent (formerly referred to as Master / Slave)
  • Floor Diaphragm
Member Offset

Used to consider Member offset in the model.

Release Torsion for Columns Releases columns for torsion.
Release Torsion for Beams Releases beams for torsion.
Load Cases group
Wind Load

Wind load will be applied to the analytical model using the load parameters indicated in the Wind Parameters dialog.

Gust Load Gust (wind) load will be applied to the analytical model using the load parameters indicated in the Wind Parameters dialog.
Temperature Load
Note: This option is currently inactive.
Seismic Load

Earthquake Load per IS 1893 will be applied to the analytical model using the load parameters in the Seismic Parameters dialog.

Building Type This option is used to create appropriate load combinations.
  • For Irregular buildings, both positive and negative direction load cases are generated.
  • For Regular buildings, only positive direction load cases are generated.
Generate EQ Load Using

Specifies that earthquake load are created using either Reference Load or by Joint Weight.

Generate Click generate the STAAD input file and open in Modeling mode.