STAAD.Pro Help

TR.29.2 Connection Tag Member Attribute

Used to assign members connection tag data from an associated Connection Tag XML file which is used for storing connection data and checking connection capacities.

CAUTION: Though it is possible to manually enter connection tag data in the STAAD input file, it is strongly recommended that the user interface be used to add this information as to ensure compatibility with the associated Connection Tags XML file. Refer to Connection Tags sub menu for additional information on using this feature.

General Format

Note: A CONTAG attribute must be inserted in the DEFINE MEMBER ATTRIBUTE section.

The attribute value for the CONTAG attribute is delimited into three parts: the end of the member, the tag category, and the tag name to use for this tag assignment. The later two parts are used to look up the connection tag releases and capacities in the Connection Tag XML file.

"CONTAG" "{ START | END }:tag-category :tag-name " LIST member-list 


tag-category One of the Category Names (//Categories/Category/@CategoryName) defined in the Connection Tag XML file.
tag-name One of the Tag Names (//Tags/Tag/@TagName) defined in the Connection Tag XML file.
member-list A list of member numbers.


An example of a pair of connection tags in a STAAD.Pro input file:


The corresponding Connection Tag XML file would have —as a minimum— the following data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ConnectionTagFile xmlns="">
 <FileVersion value="1.0" />
   <Category CategoryName="MOMENT">
    <CategoryDesc>End Moment Connection</CategoryDesc>
   <Category CategoryName="SHEAR">
    <CategoryDesc>Single Shear Connection</CategoryDesc>
   <Equation EquationID="Eq1" Equation="Abs([MZ])/[MZ.CAP]+Abs([FX])/[FX.CAP]" Condition="LT" Limit="1.0" />
   <Equation EquationID="Eq2" Equation="Abs([FZ])/[FZ.CAP]" Condition="LT" Limit="1.0" />
   <Tag TagName="EM" CategoryName="MOMENT">
    <EndRelease FX="0" FY="0" FZ="0" MX="0" MY="0" MZ="0" />
    <Capacities UnitSystem="METRIC">
     <Beam Name="UB203x102x23">
      <BeamOrCol Name="UC152x152x23" Mz.cap="207.345" Fx.cap="35.915" Fz.cap="205.095" />
     <Check Type="MOMENT" Desc="Moment Check" EquationID="Eq1" />
     <Check Type="SHEAR" Desc="Shear Check" EquationID="Eq2" />
   <Tag TagName="SS" CategoryName="SHEAR">
    <EndRelease FX="0" FY="0" FZ="0" MX="0" MY="0" MZ="0" />
    <Capacities UnitSystem="METRIC">
     <Beam  Name="UB203x102x23">
      <BeamOrCol Name="UC152x152x23" Mz.cap="207.345" Fx.cap="35.915" Fz.cap="205.095" />
      <Check Type="SHEAR" Desc="Shear Check" EquationID="Eq2" />
Note: Refer to Connection Tags XML File Schema for additional information on the required structure of this XML file.