STAAD.Pro Help

RR 21.00.00-1.1 New User Interface

The STAAD.Pro user interface has been updated and refined.

Ribbon Controls

The menus and toolbars have been replaced with a series of tabbed toolbars along the top of the application window. These are context sensitive to the current "workflow" as well as to the current model selection. There are fewer tools displayed at one time, so they can be larger and thus easier to identify. However, the tools you need are always available by selecting the tab (similar to menus in a tradition Windows program).

The icons for the tools are updated to reflect a consistent theme, further making the correct tool easy to identify.

Workflows Panel

The system of application modes has been replaced with the Workflows panel.

Tip: Once you become familiar with the workflows, you can hide the panel to display a larger viewing area. Simply click the Workflow tab again to select a different workflow.

Page Control Bar

The pages within each workflow have been streamlined from those in the previous modes. A single row of pages is displayed for the current workflow, just above the view window. Select the appropriate page for your current task to display the corresponding dialogs and tables.

Tip: If you close some of the dialogs for a page and need to display them again, simply click the Restore View tool () on the right-hand side of the page control bar.