STAAD.Pro Help

AD.2006-1004.5.1 Update of Importing Piping Models

The import stage of the Piping Mode has been enhanced by allowing the user to better relate the co-ordinate systems used by the two models, the structural model and the piping model. There are two issues that are addressed:
  1. Locating the origin
  2. Allowance for Y or Z axis as vertical in the piping model

Enter the Piping Mode by either selecting the menu option Mode > Piping or from the Mode Bar thus:

This displays the principal page and two sub pages available in this mode thus:

To select a pipe model to import, click on the Open Fileā€¦ button in the Information dialog box and navigate to the folder that has the required ADLPIPE or AutoPipe (*.ADI) model. Select the required file and click on the Open button. The following dialog is then displayed:

This allows the direction that was used as vertical in the pipe model system to be identified by clicking the option Consider Z as the gravity axis for the Pipe Model if required. Additionally, the X, Y, and Z values allows the origin of the pipe model to be placed at a different location than the origin of the STAAD.Pro structure.

Refer to the Piping Mode section in the User Interface help