STAAD.Pro Help

RR 22.10.00-1.1 Auto-Recovery Enhancements

The auto-recovery process in STAAD.Pro has been further enhanced to protect your files from unexpected application failures.

These enhancements include the following:

STAAD Backup File

During opening and saving of the STAAD file, a file with model name and extension .SBK (i.e., <modelname>.sbk) will be created in the model folder. This file is a duplicate the STAAD input file.

To recover the STAAD input file, simply rename the file replacing the .SBK extension with .STD.

Note: The .SBK file is not automatically modified or updated with the given time interval in auto-recovery process.

Auto-Recovery Backups Directory

In addition to the creation of auto-recovery file (i.e. <modelname> in the model folder, a copy of the same will be preserved under:

  • %localappdata%\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\AutoRecovery Backups\<modelname>-<unique id>

Since the auto-recovery file gets removed when saving or closing the model, this ensures the preservation of last changes made in the event of an unexpected application failure.

In case of any failures in which the STAAD input file and its ancillary files gets corrupted, you can retrieve the auto-recovery backups from the above-mentioned location.

Note: To ensure uniqueness of the folder name, the unique id suffixed is derived from the model path. Hence, two files with same name existing in two different folders, will have the different unique ids and thus prevented from overwritten.

Refactored Auto-Recovery Process

Also, the process has been restructured such that an auto recovery zip file is created when a model is opened (this is by design for unexpected crash), and the auto recovery process is paused until the next modification of the analytical model.

Note: For the physical model (e.g., when STAAD.Pro Physical Modeler is open), the auto-recovery process does not stop. Rather, the auto-recovery process is triggered at a given time interval.