STAAD.Pro Help

M. To export STAAD.Pro model data into AutoPIPE

Tip: The macro ToAutoPipePub.vbs is included with STAAD.Pro for the purpose of creating structural support data in AutoPIPE from a STAAD.Pro model. The resulting file contains only the support frame data for the current STAAD input file.
  1. On the Utilities ribbon tab, select  User Tools >  Export Model to AutoPIPE in the User Tools group.

    The Export STAAD Model to AutoPIPE dialog opens.
  2. Select the AutoPIPE Neutral file (file extension .NTL) you wish to create or to which you wish to add data.
    Tip: Click […] to select an existing AutoPIPE Neutral file.
  3. Specify Job Information and Header data as necessary.
  4. Select the appropriate system of Units.
  5. Select an option for how the Member Properties are displayed in AutoPIPE.
  6. Click OK.
    Note: If any invalid structural properties or specifications are found, a warning dialog opens to display these issues. Otherwise, a dialog opens to confirm the AutoPIPE Neutral file has been created.