STAAD.Pro Help

AD.2007-03.0.1 RSS Feed added to the Start Page

The STAAD.Pro Start Page has been updated to include a new section which has been configured to display the most current information about STAAD and Bentley that will be of use to you, such as program updates, seminars, and training courses. This has been done by adding an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) reader on the application front screen.

Each news item is identified with a title which is a link to a website which can be clicked on and will launch your web browser and load that website and a brief summary of the item.

The item is categorized with one of the following five categories:
  • Important
  • Bentley General
  • Release
  • Educational
  • News

Additionally, each item is marked for specific regions thus:

To configure which messages are displayed and for which region, click on the Configuration… link on the Start Page. Select the RSS Feed and click in the categories and regions to remove those that are not required.

Note: Items that have been classed as Important and for All Regions cannot be disabled, but other issues can be by un-checking the boxes next to them