STAAD.Pro Help

Parametric Models dialog

Used to automatically generate finite element meshing for defined boundary areas.

Opens when the Parametric Models tool is selected in the Plate group on the Geometry ribbon tab.

Preview Models list

A list of mesh prototypes are listed here. Multiple settings may be experimented with here to obtain the desired surface mesh before merging with the base model. Selecting the meshed surface name displays the overall model parameters. Selecting a "child" item in the list (e.g., boundary, openings, etc.) displays the parameters for that item.

  • model name

    Selecting the name of the model displays the overall model parameters, which were initially set in the Add Parametric Model

    • Boundary Connectivity - Two methods are available for parametric model boundaries:
      • B - User Defined - this method uses the defined number of segments per boundary, which can be specified for each Boundary Point/Edge as needed
      • C - Automatic - this method optimizes the boundary segmentation
    • Target Element Size - the target element size to use for meshing, in the given units of length
    • Mesh the selected plate element - the shape of the element used, which is restricted by the selected meshing method
    • Meshing Method -
      • Standard - uses quadrilateral elements
      • Basic - uses triangular elements
  • Boundary

    Selecting a Boundary Point/Edge displays the points' 3D coordinates (which cannot be modified) and two additional parameters which can be edited:

    • Division - When a Mesh Type B) has been selected, this value is used to identify the number of divisions along the boundary edge from the selected node to the next defined point on the boundary.

    • Density - When a Mesh Type C) has been selected, this value is used as a biasing parameter. The larger the value, the denser the mesh around the boundary point.

  • Openings

    Openings can be added by selecting the Openings heading and clicking the Add button. Either polygonal or circular openings can be added as described above. Both opening types have options that can be edited.

    • Polygonal

      Selecting a Polygonal opening definition in the dialog displays the control point coordinates that form the opening (which cannot be edited). Each point includes two additional parameters which can be edited:

      Division - When a Mesh Type B) has been selected, this value is used to identify the number of divisions along the boundary edge from the selected node to the next defined point on the boundary.

      Density - When a Mesh Type C) has been selected, this value is used as a biasing parameter. The larger the value, the denser the mesh around the opening point.

    • Circular

      Selecting a Circular opening definition in the dialog displays the circle center coordinates that form the opening (which cannot be edited). Each point includes three additional parameters which can be edited:

      Radius - This defines the size of the opening. This value is used by all Mesh Types.

      Division - This is used to define the number of segments that form the circle and is used by all Mesh Types.

      Density - When a Mesh Type C) has been selected, this value is used as a biasing parameter. The larger the value, the denser the mesh around each point that forms the opening.

  • Regions

    Selecting a Region definition in the dialog displays the control point coordinates that form the region (which cannot be edited). Each point includes two additional parameters which can be edited:

    • Division - When a Mesh Type B) has been selected, this value is used to identify the number of divisions along the boundary edge from the selected node to the next defined point on the boundary.

    • Density - When a Mesh Type C) has been selected, this value is used as a biasing parameter. The larger the value, the denser the mesh around the point on the region.

    Note: The control points for an OPENING or REGION cannot lie on the surface boundary.
  • Density Points

    Selecting a Density Point definition in the dialog displays the coordinate of that point, which cannot be edited and a single parameters which can be edited:

    • Density - When a Mesh Type C) has been selected, this value is used as a biasing parameter. The larger the value, the denser the mesh around the density point.

  • Density Lines

    Density lines are defined by two points. Selecting a Density Line definition in the dialog displays the two coordinates of the line which cannot be edited and two additional parameters which can:

    • Division - This is displayed on the first point that defines the density line, but applies to the line between both points. This value is used to identify the number of divisions along the density line and is used by all mesh types.

    • Density - When a Mesh Type C) has been selected, this value is used as a biasing parameter. The larger the value, the denser the mesh around the point on the density line.

Parameters table

Displays the parameters for the selected mesh model, Opening, Region, Density Point, or Density Line. Changes made here can be saved using the Apply button.

Add… Used to add a new mesh model to the list or to add a new Opening, Region, Density Point, or Density Line to the current mesh model.

Removes the selected mesh model from the Preview Models list or removes the selected Opening, Region, Density Point, or Density Line from the current mesh model.

CAUTION: No confirmation is used to delete mesh models or their sub-components. This action cannot be undone.
Apply Updates the selected mesh model with any changes made to the settings.
Merge Mesh

Commits the selected mesh model to the STAAD.Pro input file base model.

CAUTION: Until this button has been clicked for one or more mesh models, no data from this page will be saved.